
Well Sterling is perhaps one of the most in-form players in Europe at the moment in the middle of his best season ever and he’s doing it on the biggest stage possible even after all of the ridicule and price tags which aren’t even that high compared to others now.

Do you live in Manchester?

There’s obviously nothing wrong with protesting peacefully. It’s a right given to every individual in this country. But like with everything else, a small renegade group will sometimes gives a larger one a bad name.

Holy fuck, I thought I was the only white conservative on this site trying to explain that I actually don’t hate anyone, regardless of race, besides people who are actual pieces of shit.

You are a fool if you think all of those Kansas commits will stick, especially when maybe 1-2 are actual LSU priorities.

I beat the game. Still have no fucking clue where the Colosseum is.

Is this smear campaign going to keep going for the next eight years or is my sports reading going to include seeing huge headlines that include ‘impeach Trump’ for that span?

A lot of people, including most of the readers/writers for this site, don’t understand that they’re part of the reason for this as well. The media is doing the left no favors right now. No matter what questions they have, they’re treating Trump like he’s a nobody, especially not President-Elect. No matter what opinion

Holy shit, someone with some sense and facts.

Not all of us white, conservatives are thinking/doing this.

You have an incredible username

Okay, if she’s not a crook then she’s someone that’s responsible for the deaths in Benghazi, unless you’re stuck in CNN/Conspiracy land of course.

Actually, I’d guess that 99% of Trump voters specifically remember that he said he would fight for them after the nightclub attack and wants to let states decide marriage laws.

I could say this the other way too w/ the college students down here in the south getting caught making up assaults by Trump supporters. It goes both ways. People are idiots.

Don’t worry about being snarky, I actually enjoy talking about stuff like this.

I mean you aren’t wrong lol.

No. 1: I respect your commitment to your values. It’s clear you have passion, and while it isn’t the same direction that mine is going in this particular topic, it’s good to see nonetheless.

I mean it sounds like you just aren’t even going to give it a chance. So I mean, what does someone like you do here? I mean, yeah, you can raise awareness and what not, but I’ve truly never spoken or thought about someone, literally any human being in my entire life, like you speak about our President-Elect.

I hope the left continues to jam it up your clueless, ignorant asses.

You realize he hasn’t even taken office yet, right? Do you have the ability to time travel? Or how do you know this information? I was skeptical with Obama, but he was fine. Cool dude who, IMO, did as good as anyone could have in the state of things. And guess what, I’ve lost several elections and went to work the