
Still pretty bad even, if the guy said some stuff he wasn’t certain of. The gap between the most and least egregious version of his story isn’t THAT large, and his more conservative guesses of what happened that night still reflect poorly on Takei. It also doesn’t explain the Stern interview, and Takei’s response to

Yeah, I’m a terrible driver because some piece of garbage side swiped my car while it was parked in front of my house & drove away.

Will I fix it? Yes.

Am I going to do it right now? Nah.

Typical shithead Republican—truth counts for nothing. If lying left and right gets you to sucker dumbasses into believing your effed-up cause, no matter how utterly anti-American the lies are, then so much the better.

Hi regular person here. Can reporters stop correcting the president and his staff? Not because I think they should say whatever they want but because we should let them keep fucking up. When Sean Spicer says “Holocaust Centers” fucking follow up on that. Don’t correct him. Ask him about those things. When Donald Trump

Please recall the incident a few months ago where a guy did literally everything the cops asked, to the point that he was prone on that ground and they STILL shot him. 

Even if he had played a perfect fucking game of Simon Says with her, she’d still have shot him dead and had the nerve to claim his stare was threatening.

Nope. It is after they have discharged a weapon. They must shoot first.

Cali has already told you about yourself, but though clearly subject to discrimination (though sometimes also complicit in it, and I notice you didn’t bring THAT part up) a white woman will also never be subject to this

Obama doesn’t launder money for the Russian government… So no. No its not.

I know. Obama went down and played at Obama Arena and stayed at Obama Suites. It’s exactly the same. So annoying.

Oh she totally has the right to paint it, it’s not openly racist and not meant to be hate speech. The problem isn’t with her right to paint it; but that an artist can only create art from their own perspective. It is the artist’s perspective that we must consider when looking at any artwork. People are upset because

Not being a complete piece of shit exempts you from being called a complete piece of shit. It doesn’t mean people have to think everything you do is badass.

You never really know you’re a shitty driver until you side swipe another car, lose control of your vehicle, rocket into a gas station and explode. Until then, you’re just like the rest of us.

Based on the discernible white fragility in your comment, I would say that yes, you do like Trump.

...Because white people invented writing?

they got what they all deserved for ordering papa johns and pizza hut

Give people the benefit of the doubt? Why the fuck should I give someone the benefit of the doubt after putting out that racist ass sign? There is way too much anti-Black racism for that.

I’m well aware of Stephen Miller being Jewish. You may be unaware, but there were numerous Jews who aided the Nazis during WWII and helped the destruction of their own people. Hitler had Jewish ancestry as well. Make no mistake: Miller and Kushner will be protected because they’re “the good ones.”

There were indeed millions of innocent people whom the Nazis killed in many horrific ways, some in the course of the war and some because the Germans perceived them—however deluded their perception—to pose a threat to their rule. They suffered terribly. But that was not the Holocaust.

Yes, this is a battle I want to fight. “We” should all be fighting against this regime at every turn. It’s not an either/or proposition; “we” can fight any and all that need to be fought. I fully intend to advocate for what is right and true and stand up against dangerous rhetoric such as this.