Younger Kennedy

Do you know much about Samuel Alito? His parents would have filibustered to prevent his birth.

Worked for Dame Lillard.

Marvin Harrison is a class act. When he kills a guy, he just calmly puts the handgun back in his safe. Act like you’ve been there before.

Seriously, David O. Russell is such a shitbag. On top of it all, I get so frustrated that some people seem to want to justify his asshole behavior because of the movies that come out of it. Can we get real? He’s a middling director. I enjoyed I <3 Huckabees, The Fighter is a fine formula movie, American Hustle is a

Driving like a man possessed!

So this was not a curveball.

Let’s see, Idiocracy made $495,000 worldwide, failing to make back even its meager $4 million budget. So I’d say this is a sloooow news day for you to let the small amount of people who’ve even seen it know how ashamed they should be.

Also, the movie has perfectly legitimate critiques of the cult of personality

Ah, the classic, my podcast is black so how can I be...wait...

Even worse than firing, he goat-fired him!

Easy. SVG still hates Dwight.

How the fuck do I get to the end of this workday?

Greg should not try to run.

Just reading it for the first time. Wow this is fucking nauseating. “I’m a gym rat. I love Ray Lewis.” You didn’t learn the main lesson to learn from Ray Ray: dispose of evidence.

Not trying to be a stickler, but everywhere else I’ve seen it as “Thomasin” not “Thomasina.”

I’d have to wait for him to get over here, and I don’t have all day.

Officer Hatfield finally gets what’s coming to him.

It’s almost as if Drew doesn’t know shit!

Imagine if Cam had Gronk to throw to instead of *glances at Panthers depth chart* Philly...Brown?