Young Costanza

This flick is fucking tense man. As young filmmaker, american and muslim its presentation of just the "ugly facts" really means a lot. I believe Soderbergh mentions Algiers on the commentary to the Che movies as an obvi influence but man, I still haven't felt that kind of immediacy from a movie or doc in awhile.

THAT FUCKING LUCY SPEECH WAS OFF DA CHAAAAAIAIIAIAIAIAIN. but also kinda revelatory for a woman on tv to say those things, with those feelings.

Their is a high amount of drugs that would constitute me seeing this, the exact number i do not know

Well now, don't this look like the shittiest shit that ever fucking called itself shit. This kinda used to sound good, now it looks like penisroadkill

Sounds similar to Night Moves with Gene Hackman, cynical detective in the Florida Keys, pretty moody and dark. Well worth a viewing