Young Ken

“Alpha male” is one of those terms that immediately out the person with whom you are speaking as twit.

“Alpha males,” also know as “douche bags” in some regions. 

I like how this article shows a cop destroying someones property and almost causing damage to other people and potentially a multi-car accident by running a red light riding a motorcycle with no helmet and you’ve found a way to get mad at some lawless body of people whose skin color you’d rather not bring up instead

Haha, sounds like it’s time for you to move to the suburbs!

The fact that the Warriors are ascending into their ultimate heel form right before the postseason is just the best thing possible. If we get legit heat for the Dubs, and they give us the dream first round matchup of them versus Russ and the Thunder, then the world might implode from the weight of this entertainment.

between the torn-up Yankee holes and Red Sox giving up dongs everywhere, it’s shaping up to be a pretty hardcore year in the AL East

How do you know it's based on just one person's claim? And how many people need to corroborate before you are okay with a permanent ban? Seriously, what's the cutoff?

Boston has a history of being SUPER racist. This isn’t a new phenomena.

Lol if they banned every racist fan for life they’d have a hard time filling the stadium after 5 years or so

Seriously? A season and a half? Why isn’t it a lifetime ban?

Kind of a long winded way to call the guy a dick.

Some of y’all just need to calm the fuck down about spoilers. What did you think he was just gonna be stuck in the quantum realm the whole fucking time? It’s not a spoiler to show that something that obviously was going to happen happened. Same with the Tony thing. Oh yeah they’re going to build up this whole heroic

This is the bullshit world we live in. Extraordinary buffoon James Dolan ‘owns’ the Rangers and the Knicks, teams that New Yorkers have supported for decades, for generations, and have bought and paid for many times over. Yet he gets to lord over them, him and his ridiculous fedora, and enact his capricious whims,

What do we call this one? Cheat me in Temecula?

In response to the video, the NBA has fined Anthony Davis $50,000. 

Because any time you can leave well run franchises like the Warriors and Celtics to go to the Knicks, you just pack your bags and trust that it’ll all work out for the best. That’s the smart play. 


This dumb dumb team. This goddamn Fyre Festival of a sports franchise.

It’s hard to picture that man acting so brazenly, so...cavalierly

He’ll be needing that straw now.