
All while oil and gas companies consistently report record profits

It always amazes me to watch gas prices.

so so wrapper is putting it nicely....

Tesla isn’t a high-end European brand.  It’s a very good drive train in a so-so wrapper

You have to constantly find the cheapest means of production when your cars are so ugly you need to consistently undercut competitors just to sell them.

When ‘compact’ cars crested past 70" wide taking away their benefits for urban parking, they all became dead to me.

...our you know, just an article about how a Ford plant in a predominantly black community has riled up racists in positions of power due to how the black community will benefit from it.

They want what would be local tax money to be spent elsewhere in the state - most likely among those who voted for the comptroller.

I know it’s Tenessee but damn that’s on the nose. (“These black folk don’t know how money works, unlike those white folk who were efficient in their fraud!”)

he wasnt posting as a tesla employee he was just posting as a dude.  he just happened to work at tesla and made it clear he did. 

“Tesla warns employees not to publicly reveal potentially dangerous flaws of vehicles” sounds more like the start of a very interesting story.

If your employer told you to become vegan, but you refused and were subsequently fired, would you defend the employer’s right to do that?

This kind of corporate attitude, a refusal to acknowledge shortcomings/limitations/failures and instead punish or slander those who do acknowledge them, helped cement my decision to sell my 2016 Model S.

If videos of FSD in the wild make the company look bad, firing the messenger isn’t going to make the software any better.

I’m only a capitalist when it’s convenient for me and fits my narrative, dammit! 

Well that’s just the free market at work! Can’t have the government help with anything because that would be socialism (oooooooo scary).

Everyone’s a ride or die capitalist until it comes to gas prices. Then it’s all “da komrad prices are too high for the people. Government should step in.”

Good work detective, why don't you start your own fuckin blog? 

Considering rest stop restaurants exist, it is clear that people aren’t that bothered with the concept considering those places have been around since before EV’s spread.

Counterpoint: fossil fuels are unacceptable.....