
Teslas are performance vehicles, not luxury vehicles. This is a hill I will die on.

What else, if anything, is Tesla leaving off of its cars in the name of production goals?

It’s hard to get investors excited about cost-effective public works projects that improve quality of life for everyone.

If “super-light fun to drive car” is your priority, you can also get a Miata with under 80k miles for $14k.

I’m sure the comments section on this will be civilized. 🍿

I would absolutely love to see a follow-up article: what are the cheapest new cars still on sale in America, and what are the best used cars you could buy at the same price? That seems like it would be up Jalopnik's alley.

Yeah, the creator really thought it through. All the information displayed (except speed) is stuff Tesla doesn't normally give you. Battery temperature, for example, is extremely useful to know.

$52k Model 3 LR 19" has 334 mi range.

The EV6 also charges faster than a Tesla (mph 10-80%). The Leaf rapidgates if you dare to use a DCFC twice in one day.

I’m gathering that Airstream isn’t exactly about cost-effectiveness, but I’d reckon if this thing's easy to tow, it could save you the price of a new truck.

Subsidies are a hell of a drug.

Man, I feel this one. In the early days, it was so easy to believe that Musk was a relatable nerd who wanted to save the world and send people to Mars.

Whoa whoa whoa. You’re telling me you have to *push* on the door to open it, like some sort of plebian?

Most things are more eco-friendly than an oil spill, lithium mines included.

The headline on the Vice article is flat wrong, and I’m pretty disappointed. The truth is nuanced and less exciting, but very, very important.

Ford wouldn't be complaining if they didn't expect it to work.

I can’t believe I’m still saying this, but EVs are better for the environment than gasoline. It’s heavily studied and well-established.

They need pull-through charging stations because automakers can’t agree where on the car the charging door belongs.

Exactly. It took driving a PHEV for me to notice my own fueling habits. In a normal car, I used to get fuel once a week. In a PHEV, I get fuel once a month. In an EV, I’d use DCFC every other month, unless I got really fond of driving >3hr/day on the weekends.

My old Odyssey took 8 minutes to fill the tank (according to my stopwatch). I would then spend another 5-10 minutes parked while I used the facilities, got some snacks, and hunted for a new podcast.