
I remember the PT being the universally acknowledged cool/quirky car for a hot minute. Then the energy crisis and the recession hit, and it was a seismic cultural event. In the same way WW2 killed Art Deco, in the Recession, “retro” became “dated” because hearkening to the golden days felt either depressing or

This. My mom will talk your ear off about how “practical” the PT is, which means that it has an enormous hatch, a boxy cargo area, and generous cubbies freakin’ everywhere. If you treat your car like a rolling purse, and bland crossovers don’t exist yet because it’s 2002, the PT is pretty much ideal.

Until Google can include the locations of non-networked chargers, I will continue using Plugshare.

Bjorn Nyland tested the E-Tron in mixed highway/city driving (56mph avg) at 23°F, and still got 205 miles out of it. My Clarity has ≈29% range loss in those same conditions.

If it answers your question, the R1T is expecting 700 horsepower and 826 lb-ft of torque, for 11,000 lbs of towing capacity.

Exactly this. Everyone knows Harley’s “type,” and if you don’t want to be associated with that stereotype, you don’t buy a Harley.

The Tesla Model 3 uses a low-cost reluctance motor. This type of motor is an odd choice, due to torque ripple, but the Model 3 isn’t the first EV to use it.

I maintain that hybrids and electrics are only boring if you refuse to look under the hood.

Actually, Nikola Motors tried to sue Tesla for patent infringement on the semi design.

Could GM have built an electric pickup/SUV/potatomobile? Absolutely. Investing in Rivian was a business decision, not an engineering decision.

Hey, hey, don’t stop there.

Hmmm. A two door, two seat, kammback hatchback with aspirations of sportiness, wide stance, rising B pillar, and bifurcated rear windshield that all yells “fun” instead of “practical,” ensuring that it could never be a commercial success...

I forgot. I wonder how efficient it would be to use solar or wind energy to separate oxygen and hydrogen through electrolysis and then allow them recombine when needed for heat energy. That or store the hydrogen for fuel cells.

4th Gear:

There is also a survey floating around the internet reporting that 70% of Chinese EV buyers regretted their decision, and 42% experienced drivetrain failures.

Well, at least we can say that the Mint Concept is...

show me the lie

In awe at the self-confidence of this lad.

in waht universe is this under powered?