You Must Change Your LIfe

“more than half of us”

For real. I just bought life insurance and one of the questions was “Are you or have you ever been John Daly?”

Good for him. The prize money is going to come in handy; the man is a walking pre-existing condition.

I knew a lawyer who would brag about how he sent a clerk to pick up his wife from the hospital when they had their third kid because he was too busy. He told me, when I was pregnant, that I shouldn’t be a lawyer, I should “go be a teacher or something, it’s a better job for a mother.” Asshole.

That is insensitive. “3 weeks is pushing it”? Shall we quantify grief and put a specific limit on how long kurizmatik’s coworker gets to deal with the tragic and untimely loss of a sibling? Do you get to take longer if it’s a child or a spouse than a sibling? How about a cousin? What’s the amount of time that’s not

You know what nobody’s said on their deathbed? “I wish I’d worked more.”

Capitalism really does a number on some people.

That Rockets series will be one of my favorites for the rest of my life.

He sounds great. When is his confirmation hearing?


That’s pretty much USA political discourse right there.

I feel the same way about masturbating at the public library.

One is actual food for offspring, the other is waste material?

My father was abusive. He beat my mother multiple times, and my brother and I once each. After he beat me, he told me I couldn’t tell anyone because they’d break up our family, not only taking me and my brother from the house but splitting us up as well. That terrified me, and I know that the fear of being unable to

You’re defending a man who doesn’t think women should be allowed to vote.

It’s amazing how ridiculously unaware people are to the open mockery of Native Americans. My son is a Cub Scout, and we just did a family camping trip. One of the dads, an Irish Catholic originally from New England, wore a Native American headdress the entire weekend. My wife is half Cherokee, and while generally very

Lifelong Tribe fan here. I wore a Chief Wahoo hat from ~1995 to a CLE-MIN game at Target Field last year. While waiting in line to get my ticket scanned, a Native American with a sign that said “MY HERITAGE IS NOT YOUR MASCOT” rolled up on me without a word, but a look that said “Dude, seriously?”

“This year’s”???? The AFC South is still and has always been the crappiest division in football since it was formed. Awful cities, awful teams, just the backwater of the NFL. A casual sports fan would get this list of teams confused with a list of NWSL teams.

As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.

Hella weird, brah.