
Fun fact: They’re still death-traps.

Fun fact: a 91 CRX Si is about 1000lbs lighter than both.

maybe.. but they are still awesome

Yeah, I’m interested to see just how much of a difference these 305s make in the turns with all that weight on top.

Perry is a graduate of Texas A&M, he’s well acquainted with disasters.

Which is why his staff will do it.
Rick Perry may be a dolt, but if he has any management experience then he has people who *do* know what they’re doing, in the places to do it.

Damn right. If you want soft touch plastics and to be isolated completely from the road, go buy a Camry.

CL? More like CP.

It’s a little early to hit the good stuff, isn’t it?

Way back when, I worked at a grocery store. We had a greeter who was your typical 80-something year old retiree. He drove a Z06 convertible every day. Even the dead of winter. One day when we got over a foot of snow, I saw him drive that damn Z06 like it was the middle of summer. Still makes me smile to this day.

Congrats on knowing nothing about the S2000. The S2000 was a Boxster/Z4 competitor, not a Miata fighter. Ask anyone who drives a Miata about the S2000 & they’ll tell you they bought the Miata because cheap, the S2000 is a better car in every, single category.

One of my best friend owns a Miata, I own an AP1. Every

Exclusive image of the Track Only variant:

Nothing says “ADVENTURE” like a Subaru Baja

Subaru Forester.

I kinda like headifold.

Maybe she’s still mad about November 8th.

Counterpoint: Florida.

Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.

Let’s be straight, a gearhead man is not buying a car called Giulia pronounced Julia...