
Back when I was a sophomore in college, I had just bought myself a nice, practical, reliable Golf. I then realized I could buy a [shitty condition] Honda S2000, my affordable dream car, for about the same money. Dad helped me “get serious” about buying one so that he could demonstrate why it would be a bad decision to

God bless your batshit father. I hope heaven has cars up there fast enough for him.

He put whitewalls onna Jag? Fuckin’ Air Force.

Young, cocky Air Force officer pulls up to an apartment building to pick up a blind date in his shiny new E-Type.

My Dad’s driving would put the Andrettis to shame. One July 4th weekend, he passed twenty four vehicles ( two passes of 12 each) on Minnesota Hwy 47, a two lane, in his 1968 Dodge Van. If I hadn’t survived the experience from the passenger seat, I wouldn’t have believed it. Many times he had his 1965 Olds F-85 up to

If it’s a Dana 35 then it will probably be no-wheel-drive pretty soon.

Very interesting, but nothing at all to raise alarm over in a nuclear context. Any nuclear power that mastered this technology would never dare to use it against another nuclear power. Mutually Assured Destruction will always protect any and every nuclear state from a large scale nuclear exchange. This technology’s

I love these dumb, mecha-looking cars so much. It’s a garbage take, I know, but I love them.

I know I’m wrong before I even say anything, but I actually like how it looks. I know it looks like a STI and a Dodge Dart had a drunken tryst in the back of a design workshop, but I dig its style.

a “riffle”, I assume, is to rifles as wiffles is to bats?

Seems more like a Si than an R.

To answer your question: works in the wrx, don’t see why it wouldn’t work in a type-R.

I use torx screws all of the time. Nothing better. No slippage or grinding the head off the screw. I’d just prefer that philips and slotted screws disappeared.

I use torx screws all of the time. Nothing better. No slippage or grinding the head off the screw. I’d just prefer

Maybe there can be a little blue button that takes it out of limp mode

Being stuck in limp mode is why they all bought Corvettes in the first place.

Something something Corvette owners and limp mode something something...

Alonso, basically pulling a Rossi to rejoin his old team? To also drive alongside the man who was his nemesis while he was at said team?

I upgraded:

a light bulb went off

Aston Martin V12 vantage with a 6 speed manual.