
Ugh, this is journalism? (referring to this article mind you)

Wait, Pokemon Go is fun?

I have no idea how Stone kept his cool through that. I’m sure most of the people on this website would have put their phone in their pocket after the first attempt of being run over and the rest wouldn’t have been so nice.

*ahem* FUCK OFF.

Actually, I’m fairly positive that you want the green circle to be BIG to have a better chance to catch the pokemon. I’m basing this off it saying “Nice!” when you do so.

You know, maybe you’re not to blame honestly. Maybe Gawker has just undergone some kind of route that has led you to write this uninspired pussy bullshit. To be fair, I’ve read your other articles and parused your repertoire, and only 60% of it is worthless garbage. the other 40% I honestly enjoyed and I applaud your

Look, don’t get me wrong I see your argument. Why sell an item to the public that the common denominator has no business and no skill to use

On top of this, half you commenting are just as much of giant uninformed pussies as this clown writing the article. What are you doing here? I ask myself the same question. Why am I reading this fucking sensationalist bullshit? Well, I’m not anymore. All I can hope is that the writer read this and had some small

Seriously, how the fuck is this “news”. All you are is a big fat pussy with a keyboard. That’s all half of you clowns are. Go ahead, I’m an intolerable ingrate I know. That said, doesn’t change anything. You’re not relaying any new information, I’m not relaying new information, it’s bad for everyone. Quit your day

How did you become a journalist? Did Gawker put out an ad titled: “Need another pussy, whine for an application”?