
You’ve got to be entertained by the chumps who talk like they’re experts because they’ve read an article by one. You know the same fucking experts who didn’t see the crash coming.

Nice to see this gamer website putting biased political opinions in their articles stating them as facts. Nathan, are you one of those people who also calls people bigots and racists for their opinions as well?

A generation or two of young working age Spanish, French, Italian and Greek peoples would disagree with most of this bullshit about how terrible the Brexit is. For some reason young “hip” people here in the United States of America have been lead to believe by their loving corporate overlords that the EU is not a

One of the core aspects of your article here is the insistence that there is something wrong with the nativist attitudes behind the Brexit vote and the anti-immigrant feelings that are spreading throughout the West. Simply saying that these things are bad is not an argument against them but a cheap emotional appeal.

Is it too much to ask to have my nerd news without all the liberal propaganda. This article is beyond unprofessional.

Haha, Kotaku made up a non-story to take a shot at Brexit. Look at the globalists scramble for any support they can get. lol