you’ll just be disappointed

It is a lie, but only by 2.8"

That’s really dumb.

11'8 is way lower than the height of their vehicles...

No good place to put a low-clearance bar. There's a lot of legitimate truck traffic that goes up to that intersection you see immediately before the bridge and turn onto the side road that would get continuously fwacked.

The problem with lying about the height is then people will start to think all the warning signs are lying by the same amount. Becomes more likely as the practice of underposting the signs spreads. Just look what it’s done for speed limits.

Now playing

They need this, or at least earlier height-aware warning systems.

Danm ambulance chasers...

When I think “rocket science”, I think a 24HP flathead straight 6 with a 6.5:1 compression ratio.

Yes yes yes!!! This is sooooooo true.

Yes, I agree. Sometimes you can get the dealer to discount the car if you pay in cash. However in my, very limited experience, the dealer is more willing to reduce the price if you finance because they get a kickback on the transaction from the captive finance arm.


Not only buying a new car, but buying a new mini. This goes against EVERYTHING I believe in.

If the money was ACTUALLY free, then the car manufacturer would collapse.

Zero percent interest is not a car manufacturer acting benevolent, even though that is what their sales and marketing people want you to believe.

It’s just a way to get you to pay the interest up front.

Why continue to fall for 0% interest is

I think they forgot the lesson that we all learned in elementary school math class. Either that, or they’re using the most convenient figure to prove a point. Outliers throw off the mean. At 32k, it’s only what, $15-17k more than the absolute cheapest cars in the USA? On the other hand, it’s $100k to millions less

100% yes. Even if we weren’t looking at median income, we should be using median period. The spike in truck/SUV purchases are, most likely, skewing this statistic heavily.

The industry’s “average new car transaction price” includes cars from sectors not likely to be considered by buyers on a budget. Factor those luxury and other high-end types out of the equation and the average new-car price drops considerably.

Shouldn’t we be looking at the median price of new cars too, as opposed to average, if we’re looking at median salaries?

The suspension cables at that speed...

And Trump possesses neither training, nor experience!