The go-to method of discrediting a woman or trying to put her in her place is by revealing her sexuality, as if we’re not all sexual beings. Fortunately these days, it reveals more about the petty, insecure man than it does about the woman.
In the future, you probably just want to say she is/was an extraordinary person and leave it at that. Because when you add on that little disclaimer about your type, you are throwing open the door and inviting a lot of discussion about your sexuality/genitalia.
...You mean, like, “She’s great, but she doesn’t give me a boner”? What does that have to do with anything???
If only there was a law that required men to obtain a woman’s permission before intercourse...
I Feel the same way as you about those who leave this party. But it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. He was a loud and proud Republican when they welcomed in White Hate Terrorists and embraced a violent MRA platfotm, trampled on voting rights, and made the LGBTQ community fear for their lives with bathroom bills…
Thank Jesus he wasn’t wearing leggings though!!!
I agree completely. It’s hard. Terribly hard...but if your body can’t keep you alive due to a terminal non curable or treatable disease, then you should not be alive.
Because if marginalized groups ever stopped fighting amongst ourselves and united, we’d overthrow the plutocracy in 36 hours.
Yeah that was uncalled for. They should’ve said, “Domestic Abuser Johnny Depp.” Leave out that accused bullshit.
Well, to be fair, the Queen - who happens to be also their grandmother - is still alive so I am not sure they can really say anything else than the sort of blurb he is coming out with. “Phew! can’t wait for the old hag to kick the bucket!” would not sound as well.
They sell cheesecake. The place could be covered with black velvet Elvis posters and Thomas Kinkade paintings and I would still go there.
Le sigh...there are no mirrors in Steve’s glass abode.
If you read even half of the text transcripts, you realize what a sick fuck she is. A healthy human being with any empathy would never behave this way, and I won’t accept, “she was a teenager”... “They are selfish” or stupid or whatever... I remember being a teenager and I could have never done anything like this. …
Seriously? This is the hill we die on? What was meant to be a small token of support is turned into a point of outrage? Im sorry but the reason trump and his supporters continue to shit all over us is because we devote too much of our very limited resources to bullshit infighting in a hope to be wokest. Can we get…
I worked with a humanitarian organisation that provides aid in third world countries.
Neuropsychologist here. First, let me be clear that I am NOT diagnosing this woman. I’m not speaking about her individual nuances. I’m going to clear up some muddy water about typical brain development.
Yeah. He’s new to the Presidency, but not corruption and influence and graft and general scumbaggery.
Their faces (especially the dad’s) look horrifyingly content for people just booked for killing their infant child.