Since they only attack in self-defense, it might be more like “Justifiable Homicide Hornets” or “Stand Your Ground Hornets” but both of those are kind of a mouthful tbh.
Since they only attack in self-defense, it might be more like “Justifiable Homicide Hornets” or “Stand Your Ground Hornets” but both of those are kind of a mouthful tbh.
I got no guilt for slurring the creeper with his hand on an unconsenting woman’s breast. Purple is the traditional color for celebratory vestments, but this turd went with red (to celebrate himself) and the chain is as extra as the super sized cuffs on the shirt. I think his style choices and groping are gross.
None of what you wrote is true or correct. Please don’t further muddy the waters.
White, male, mediocre and cruel, in a country that seems to laud and highly reward those qualities. No idea where they get their senses of entitlement.
Following his logic, Tootie can make the case that her First Amendment rights were violated when NBC decided to cancel “The Facts of Life”.
While sane America has a dialogue about Trump and the racist racists who adore him, I’m left wondering where, exactly, is their red line for a sitting president, and if it even exists. Because we’ve driven long past the signs for Naziville, Misogyton, Pedoburg and Treasondale.
Why the scrunchy hate? For some of us, it was a way to make a ponytail without breaking our hair or ripping it out of our scalp.
Democratic house selects Hillary for the speaker position, before beginning impeachment proceedings against Trump and Pence......
Tom Cotton?!?! Jesus fucking christ. I wish I was further along in my ability to meditate effectively.
“...where the women are strong, mainly from fighting off unwanted sexual advances.”
I say the same thing about white, entitled Boomers who become myopic babies when confronted by changing - nay, improving - attitudes and understandings about race, sexual orientation, and gender identity. These people lived through the decades when these changes took place. They have had more time than any of us to…
Most women fall into one of two harassment categories - those who know they have been harassed and those who do not realize the treatment they have endured qualifies as harassment.
“But how to look comely and attractive for one’s husband while simultaneously not attracting unwanted male attention? Oh, what to do??”
I’m sorry, but he needs to be Purged.
LW3> Similar story, same villain, and I’ll tell you my thoughts.
I don’t even live in the US (yet) and I am livid. So they take away your insurance, if you can afford insurance you might still have to pay extra for birth control, sex ed is supposed to be removed from school from what I’ve heard, so women are supposed to keep their legs closed but at the same time they should cater…
Let this be a reminder that unlike what certain self described progressives say, we absolutely cannot compromise and allow antiabortion people on the Democratic ticket in an effort to win seats.
The people at my mosque would be awfully surprised.