
That was also the guy who refused to genuflect to Loki. I smell a crossover!

Wouldn't it be funny if Donald Trump's parents raped, like, 5 orangutans?

Imagine no gay poots,
I wonder if you can;
No need for eggs or lentils,
A brotherhood of flan.

I want to create a "Raylan Givens' Shoulder" account just to dispute its harmlessness.

The Rise and Fall of the Boardwalk Empire.

"All right, Officer, that'll be 30 bucks even."
"Gee whiz! Next time, maybe I should go for a malt with the BANKER Squad!"
[Everyone laughs, fade to black]

Possibly my favorite line-delivery in Brolin's career is the way he says "Well, I will not go." Just speaks volumes, the smugness he's clearly feeling in defying a 12-year-old. You can just see the "HAHA, HOW YOU LIKE IT WHEN I TURN THAT SHIT AROUND ON YOU, BITCH?" thought balloon over his head.

Every time I see the trailer for this where Gosling says "Well, you gotta die of something," I think "Hey, I don't want to call your movie a poor man's 'Untouchables' without having seen it, but you make it hard not to when you swipe lines directly from it."

I guess "The Silver Linings Playbook" is the new "Reds". THANKS A LOT, OBAMA.

Ha ha! It's funny because they were inserted into movies in which they did not actually appear, wherein they said goofy things that were tonally at odds with those movies! It was the thinking man's "Epic Movie".

James Franco hosted the year he was nominated for Best Actor, but if we're all pretending that never happened I don't have any problem with that.