
Build a gaming PC?

As a Chicagoan, if St. Louis wants to light their kids’ future on fire, let them. That’s what you get for throwing money at a guy that looks like Tony Clifton.

Via text? Goddamn millenial cowards.

I mean...

This is a huge reason why I love playing on my Wii-U. It might be why people claim that it’s more ‘fun’ than the other 2 consoles. You don’t have this trophy system and literally just play the games how you want to play them.

I agree with you that it doesn’t make a ton of sense to go after bartenders or hypothetically gun sellers. But this congress can’t pass a background check law with 98% support from the general population. Scientists are 98% sure about fucking gravity and that’s a law. So either we start thinking about

Good point. - we prosecute bartenders that don’t cut people off and then go crash their cars. We should prosecute gun retailers who sell guns to crazy people who murder. Not because it’s their fault that it happened, but because it would incentivize the hell out of gun retailers to perform background checks and mental

Yeah, ‘the system’ is why no one wants to touch your peen.

This had better be what is in the locked box in Five Nights at Freddy’s

So he bought like 3 lego sets?

That ref should look at doing something safer, like Brazilian amateur soccer matches.

I’ve never heard a Drake song before. Just saying.

Don’t feel bad - people who throw money at kickstarter’s know they are taking on a certain amount of risk. It’s not like you wrote the copy on their pitch and then 2 years later were like “Hey guys FTP PVP LOL”

One on Juans?

Hot take:

No but we can dream right?

How large is your sample size?

Yeah that 50 Shades book is really poorly written.

Aww the poor baby can't use his hate speech and gets denied a virtual fucking item or whatever, let me summon my gigantic vat of fucks for all the pre-teen boys with undescended testicles that will be victimized by the policy: *looks around* huh, I thought the giant vat of fucks was right here but I can't seem to find