Whatever you say, Scott Walker.
Whatever you say, Scott Walker.
Ray Rice is a POS - that’s a documented fact, but pretty much every team in the league has someone on their roster that has done something similar (or worse) that luckily for them wasn’t caught on camera so they avoid the great stigma that Ray Rice’s name now invokes. Most of the time the team gets lucky and it’s a…
I also have worked as a teller and the money that would be taken in a robbery situation is absolutely insured. It’s actually encouraged to give bank robbers what they ask for because the bank will just put in a claim for any funds lost and it’s better and much cheaper than dead tellers.
Stick it To the Man WAS GREAT!
As a former Ohioan and present Chicagoan, I emailed Mike Dickey and let him know that if I ever come across him or his pussy cops that like to beat up 12 years olds in Chicago that I would personally throw them in our fucking river.
Someone got stoned, thought up the funny title, and made the game, possibly before they came back down.
Right! Even the sharia cavemen just cut off hands - they probly think we are barbaric!
But what you are doing isn’t a proper rebuttal - it’s not the most elegant analogy but the situation remains that living beings with sentience, the capacity to feel pain, fear, and anguish live short, horror and violence filled lives and often experience nothing but agony from birth to death because McNuggets and Big…
Woohoo! This presidential election is DOA for conservatives! 8 more years of a Democrat president including a likely liberal re calibration of the Supreme Court FTW! It’s a profound bummer that the red-state poor single mothers have to pay the heftiest price in this, but when these fat, white apes throw their feces…
Canadians eat Bears? sick fucks.
Never mind I misread your post :) CLEARLY the bastard trophy killed this little giraffe using the wall.
Yes, we do.
Fuck Walter Palmer.
“...he expressed anger over intrusive government, taxation, and the “growing power of women.”
History will savage these people of course, but I wish it would hurry up and start doing so.
Cubs are in a much better position than the Cards right now.