Exactly - Jail all three of them if they raped that girl, but that scenario just doesn't seem particularly rapey.
Well Fuck the University of Oregon Anyway - but If you look at the DA's statement on why he chose to not prosecute the alleged rapists, you can see why these types of cases create grey areas.
WoW! Wouldn't it just be cheaper to film fruit falling though?
I love watching Cinemassacre youtube videos but I think that's because I don't want to go buy a colecovision and all the games to play it for 15 minutes. Thanks to the Angry Video Game Nerd I don't have to.
Seriously, between this and reading about the party that the New England Patriots ended up going to I'm kind of wondering if my infant son ever got accepted to Harvard I'd be like "ehhh.."
Agreed. In terms of checking out women, I have noticed that there are no middling-redheads; they're either smoking, smoking hot or really janky.
No kids.
No kids.
Xbots literally have fun-factor as their least favorite category??!! "Sure it sucks but Microsoft told me I had to buy it."
I'm relieved. Nike has a penchant for skullfucking otherwise perfectly fine uni's. *cough* *cough* Jacksonville *cough*
Who, in the actual fuck, gives a shit?
this is why people who give money on kickstarter are morons. I'm all about finding novel ways to have products/services enter the marketspace, but this is getting out of hand with people over promising and not delivering. Let them go through the old gatekeepers - borrow or raise their own money - so they have real…
YES. THIS. I broke down and got a Wii U cos I realized that I can't go "nothing new in gaming wah wah" and not own a Wii U. It's FANTASTIC.
Another flawless victory for the Wii U!
That straight up took 45 seconds to be 100% claimed.
That straight up took 45 seconds to be 100% claimed.
professional losers. Starve the beast people, let this lame shit die by not paying attention.
you are reading her last paragraph wrong. You just are. The sentence you pulled out doesn't place LGBQT constituents anywhere in a hierarchy at all, above or below other groups. It just calls them "fellow" because the Senator is, in fact, a member of that community also.
I read your post in comic shop guy's voice from the Simpsons and it was magnificent.