I got a wii u and smash for Christmas and it is fucking amazing. Everyone should get one, now.
I got a wii u and smash for Christmas and it is fucking amazing. Everyone should get one, now.
YES. I loved Ezio but Revelations was so bad it was the worst way to end his story. They even changed his character model for God's sake. I knew Unity would be horrible the second I heard that Revelations director was working on it. Seriously that guy needs to be working at an Arby's at this point because he fucked up…
for his mobile home.... You know how the old saying goes...
Well we can't criticize him in person now anyway..
Don't forget that in the middle ages, when guns were first being introduced into warfare during the age of chivalry, it was a tremendous violation of the rules of war. If an armored knight managed to catch someone using a gun or cannon, they would slaughter them as a coward.
RIGHT! I have a kid, he is everything I wake up for, but years of not having a kid taught me that NOBODY ELSE GIVES A FUCK.
My Catholic grandmother was furious with me when she found out that was my opinion on the matter, but it's a logic fallacy that pro-choice = pro-abortion. I am completely in favor of letting a young mother-to-be decide what she should do with her own body. Clearly I am pro-adoption :) but having been present for the…
Uh, duh Gryph, Christians get to pick and choose whatever they want to construct their own ideologies these days. Get with the times bruh.
I agree with you - when my wife and I were expecting our child, we both decided that if it was determined that our child had downs syndrome we would absolutely go through with it. That said, a baby with no brain or missing vital organs is a whole different ballgame. I was adopted, and am now a parent, and I am…
wait, what? Mentally ill people have the same right to an attorney as anyone else when they murder people. It is considered cruel and unusual punishment to execute someone who is mentally ill, thus the "insanity" pleas in all the most gruesome crimes.
I thought we established this in Project X?
Spread out over 10 years that number sounds shockingly reasonable.
haha that's a really good point about phone/tablets and speaks to consumer mentality and behavior - people will rush out and buy the annual Iphone for 200-600 dollars (even though the old ones run the new operating systems) but ask them to buy a new 3DS for under 200 dollars 4 years after they released the original…
Steve's Mom: Steven, honey, what are you doing down there?
Hey, butthurt TCU fan, could your team have done what they did with their 3rd string qb? Maybe, maybe not, but the Buckeyes just took out the #1 team with their 3rd string qb. Now, let people begin dismantling the Crimson tide about how this years team wasn't as good as others yadda yadda, but this national…
Yeah I like videogames as much as anyone else here, but I couldn't stop thinking the whole time reading your article "No way these guys have women in their lives."
Emery was always a very good talent scout (no, really) when it comes to players - but starting with drafting Shea Mcclellin, Emery always tried to be the smartest one in the room by going a different direction than logic would suggest. Good to see it finally caught up to him.
it's his damn job. Finding ways to make you buy it.