
The author of the OP is saying you should. He is a MTX consultant.

That Saturn driver should be cited for causing the accident. Yes the Civic was not driving correctly either but she was obviously following the Saturn through the gap at the same speed when the Saturn threw on the brakes and fucked it all up. If I were the civic driver I would have just rear ended the Saturn though,

Nothing incites me with more bestial fury than when a goddamn truck sits in the left lane going 5 under and drives parallel with another truck in the right lane, blocking a freeway. It is during these times that I imagine that instead of my rented Toyota Rav-4 that I am instead driving a tank, firing mortars into the

this is literally why I have a wii u wrapped and sitting under my Christmas tree as I type. Get here, Thursday!

it's fantastic. When one of the Orc captains kills you and then gloats about it, it makes you crazy and you drop everything to go find and behead them.

Done as in finalized and built and launched - they then begin to think about the next one. Here's your proof - Playstion 1, then Playstation 2, then Playstation 3, then Playstation 4.

All he said was that they are exploring ideas for the new console. You think Sony and Microsoft aren't?

It's probably because I'm not in grade school anymore but I don't understand rampant fanboyism and people hating on Nintendo. I have a PS4, I bought it with little fanfare earlier this year and played (and enjoyed) the crap out of Black Flag. Now I have Unity (meh) and Shadow of Mordor (yay!) and I am getting a Wii U

His behavior is consistent with a pattern of unprofessional, disrespectful behavior directed by Mr. Pelini

Fucking Jorts. I could have told you that this boy/man is a predator based solely upon that.

that's because their announcements aren't exciting.

"The way I design games is I start by experimenting with different aspects and play styles. Once we have that laid out and understood we go in and build the graphics [around it]."

I was definitely suggesting that in SEC country people look the other way for a Cam Newton or a Jameis Winston, but you are right, as a Buckeye fan I am torn because while tattoo-gate was clearly an NCAA violation, I can't really say looking back that it was worth blowing up our program over. We got Urban Meyer and

Cute but Barrett's ankle got rolled up on and exploded 2 weeks ago. Now, if he COULD play and this was SEC country...

In all fairness I'm sure that some rural parts of China today look like the first Assassin's creed with Altair.

I assumed he meant the second because I see those all the time too. I figure they put those there to rile up my conservative cousins about the 'dictator' giving away all of the things.

Yes but they can also use "thug" and have it be terribly racist. You know, like how they are using the word "thug." Even though Faux news wants to insist that you aren't a racist, you are.

Hilarious. I will only mention as a doughy-couch potato-ey contrarian who doesn't watch MLS but does watch an unhealthy amount of NFL, that I would not be surprised to find out that NFL training camp attendees who do not ultimately make the team still list the experience on a resume. Still, fuck this guy.

Not gonna happen this year! Maybe 2015 BF

Not gonna happen this year! Maybe 2015 BF

This. I just played AC3's naval missions last night - fun as hell but after playing weeks of Black Flag, AC4' s naval game was completely refined and improved and completely different from AC3 - both are awesome.