Couldn't let that slide

Since PG&E has to ask the state government to allow them to raise rates, they have gone to the legislature, hat in hand, for decades, asking for rate increase after rate increase. Then when the San Bruno explosion happened, it was along a pipeline that PG&E had asked for rate increases THREE TIMES in order to fix, but

James Damore’s memo was not “anti diversity”, it was anti giving someone a job based more upon whether or not they have a vagina than on skill. His memo actually had ways outlined in it on how to hire more (qualified) Women. Diversity shouldn’t be a system where underqualified people are given jobs just because of

This is amazing from beginning to end. I only wish we had a little clearer view of the leg drop finisher.

Sorry Steven, you’re wrong. The fact is that “TV movies” in the traditional sense barely even exist anymore beyond The Hallmark Channel. I would concede that a film designed to fit the rhythms of commercial breaks and edited for time by default is a very different beast from a theatrical film, but Netflix clearly

I partially agree with you. As a evangelical Christian I don’t agree with the LGBT lifestyle. However I don’t yell at LGBT or throw my bible at them. Lets just agree to disagree and go about our lives. Its a free country after all. Both parties need to move on. Heck we a humans disagree on lots of things and yet the

The scotus as itis now probably wouldn’t recognize us as equal humans. And I love how atheists and Christians alike bring up Leviticus as the issue- Us Jews have more liberal stances towards gay people than those who identify as “nones” on polls. It’s almost as if nobody else has gotten over it but us- and it’s our

“DPRK stands for Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It’s a democratic republic for the people. It’s right there in the name.”

It’s not a market, though. Mutual Funds, Stocks, et al at least pretend to be tied to the real world. Pieces might bottom out but somewhere in the mix is an actual product making people actual money. The tide is low in crypto right now right now, but there is always the possibility of someone pulling the stopper out

I see. Disagreement will not be tolerated. Very enlightened.

Well, last time I walked into a “black” neighborhood to meet a friend, I got my ass kicked for being white. So, no we don’t have to say shit. missed it....they were arrested for trespassing...or did you omit that on purpose? Sorry to see the Root sinking to levels close to the KKK with more and more articles. Soon you will not be able to tell the two apart.

I’m not sure being aware of liberal arts would make him any less of a douche.

Now playing

As an atheist, the headline pisses me off. The song isn’t a bad song. It’s actually pretty inspirational. It doesn’t apply to me; I don’t believe in mythical gods and such. But it doesn’t have to apply to me. I’m not the target audience.

Great dramatic and realistic depiction of the motivations behind a Triple Platinum song writer’s story. High-quality production w/ 5 stars from me.

I haven’t seen this movie yet, but find it interesting the level of extra hostility that low-budget Christian movies get. It’s not enough to say, “Yeah, this is a low-budget film because most people are not Christians (though so many purport to be, since they aren’t Buddhists or Muslims) and this film is more aimed at

“One bad song” is not only subjective but dismissive. Based off of the title of this article your entire review of the movie was already skewed before you even watched a minute of it. Most Christians tend to love this song and for the Christians that don’t care for it at least the lyrics resonate with them. A

Reading this review is what attending Sunday worship service at a mega church feels like.

What a reasonable response. You seem super cool.

I got to that line and quickly checked to see whether I was reading The AV Club or The Root.