Couldn't let that slide

Uhh, more like the opposite. Conor acts like a “Resist” loser, 100% self centered.

Incorrect. THAT is called cherry picking.

You are right, you don’t deserve one ounce of this economic success...

Says the person who just demonstrated themself to be a bigot by arbitrarily and inappropriately lumping 60,000,000 into a homogeneous group and then ignoring their right to a point of view.

Racist AND sexist. Real enlightened.

Absurd, Hillary vilified the woman her husband violently raped.

Yes, bigots like YOU deserve to lose their vote.

Don’t forget that Clinton PROVABLY colluded with foreign agents when she hired Steele AND when they sought information from the Ukrainian government.

Obvious and dishonest shilling like this article is how you got Donald Trump.

Except that in Portland ANTIFA were the fascists, as they instigated violence against people with ZERO NEO-NAZI OR FASCIST affiliation.

He pretended to be a disabled vet in a wheelchair in order to get Palin...

It’s legit frightening how stupid a large portion of our country is.”

This is pretty gross hatefulness.

This is absurd in the extreme. Having an R printed next to someone’s name no more makes them a conservative than having a profile pic proves a poster is the person in the picture.

Except for the fact that Acosta’s insinuation that the “fake news attacks” are all an act is itself a self-serving deceit, and a perfect example of exactly the kind of dishonesty she is pointing out.

It’s hilarious that you can write an article rife with racial, social and economic prejudice yet still think you stand on some kind of moral high ground that Grant’s you the right to judge parents who are focusing on raising their own children.

This conclusion is exactly wrong.

Your naivete is adorable...

You mean you called out the Obama administration for steering our country straight down the path of bigotry vis a vis identity politics? Because otherwise you are very mistaken, just like they were.

Why didn’t you do that soul searching when the previous administration was actually abusing executive power in a statist, fascist manner? Because you are already one of the bad Germans, you just don’t know it...neither did they.