
This is being said over and over to the women speaking up for Superstar Machine. I don’t know how on earth Anna Merlin’s article could be viewed as anything other than a long, drawn out attack on this group.

Trying to cover the tracks of slander.

I don’t think members of a cult would speak out like this.

You don’t think Anna’s article was an attack on SSM?

Refreshing to hear someone from the other side.

Yeah and some websites are cults too, aka Jezebel.

Crappy graphic for a crappy, way-to-long, gossip article.

I doubt anything or anyone gets up there.

Here here! Sounds fun:)

Seriously. My eyes glazed over shortly after this article started. And then I kept thinking, “There’s more? There’s more?” Oye vey.

Really? I found it a little long.

She doesn’t look like she has sex at all.