
Honestly, there’s no way this can be explained away as just being stream-of-consciousness from someone who’s not legitimately antisemitic. I’m Jewish, and in 33 years I’ve never heard someone use the word (let alone call me it) except in movies or to specifically list it as a racial slur. And it’s not like it’s out

fuck i love this. i just got like 3 insight from this image. 

I defeated that burger in Bloodborne.

But keep in mind that from Monica’s point of view, she lost her mom like five days ago and has had zero people show any real understanding toward her over it, since everyone else is like “oh yeah, we buried your mom three years ago, we’re over it.” So of course she’s more likely to empathise with someone in Wanda’s

So yeah, “a stick” of butter can go fuck itself.”

Anyone offended by what Biden said deserves a swirly and being shoved into a locker. I mean god damn this performative wuss routine is pathetic. As they say in Letterkenny, give your balls a tug ya titfucker.

What’s frustrating for me is that I think we can have a very interesting and productive discussion about gender equity in sports, but it has to start from a place of acknowledgment that top level male athletes have an insurmountable advantage over top level female athletes. If you acknowledge that reality, you can

If professional sports were fully gender integrated and merit based, I think men harrassing the women on their team would be the last thing to worry about.

For me, I spent WEEKS thinking who the mailman/delivery guy who popped up during a couple of important Agnes scenes had to be SOMEONE.

The eastern ones generally don’t seem to be that bad

My original comment separated the western and eastern religions, but as I’m not well versed in eastern religions, I thought it’d be a good idea to read up on them. The more I read about Tibetan monks disregarding their peaceful morals and beliefs for violence, the more I thought it would be better to group them all

I’ve mentioned it in past recaps but I do like how it preys on fan-fueled expectations. I chuckled at everyone’s relative disappointment that Monica’s “friend” was not Reed Richards or the like, because of course it wasn’t and not everything truly is connected, but the MCU Fan Brain has conditioned everyone to turn

I think it’s less about humans being hard wired to believe in a higher power and more that humans want easy answers to complex problems, answers that don’t require them to do any hard work. These people can see that things in America are fucked up right now. It would take lot of work to actually take the time to look

Portman has an off switch where she clearly doesn’t give a shit and bother to act if she thinks she’s better than the movie she’s in. This definitely shows in the Prequels and in her other big franchise turn as Jane Foster in the MCU.

I know and I hate that shit in anything. Let people enjoy things ffs, your taste in entertainment doesn’t make you better than anyone.

and I would say that the romantic rejection should not be seen as a game over or an achievement not , er, achieved.

That’s true, I am not “covered”, but I have 9 of them... and they are freaking expensive, I had several months saving money and designing them with the tattoo artist. If after all of that you still decided to get covered in tattoos is highly unlikely that you will regret them all, you had a lot of chances to stop

LOL  But wouldn’t that just be a return to what was said before?  At least the X-Men movies used to be considered primarily good, then they went through a phase of think pieces about “Well X-2 isn’t as good as you remember...”

I have a hunch that the 80's will be the last nostalgia episode.

Lists like this make me miss Deadspin because nowhere does it say “...getting run over by a bus”