You Guessed it: Frank Stallone

It looks exactly like The Division what are you talking about lol You graphic snobs have some weird opinions and comparisons. It’s almost like you’ve never actually played a game before Xbox or just spend so much on a PC rig and have been running 4k graphics for so many years your idea of what looks nice is really

Ummmm... That’s not ahot take”.

That’s not going to work in a ps5 so I hope you’re planning on using it in s PC or else you just lost $100.

God I hate the "lazy devs" hot takes. So out of touch with reality.

Lol trying your best to make yourself feel better for not getting a console, I see. “Underwhelming leap” HAHAHAHA ok bro.

Zero. This is a perfect patch. 

though at this point if you aren’t playing Cyberpunk 2077 with dozens of branching save files you must really be looking to go out in a Johnny Silverhand blaze-of-glory.”

Only Trump supporters are. Nobody else is.

The election has been over since Nov 3rd when the voting stopped. Anyone who believes otherwise is just a moron who is peddling conspiracy theories.

I’m actually enjoying the game on PS5 a lot and even I’m considering beating it ASAP then asking for a refund to see if it works lol

Highly doubt they’ve sold enough of these to even fill a thimble worth of the ocean that is Ubisoft profits. A $10 XP boost caters to a very specific version of lazy gamer, or someone that just wants to be super powerful but not have to grind for it.

“Sea also" lol

Pretty sure you dont understand what a “whale” is if you think a $10 XP boost is something that would interest them.

Is there a setting to make the game not crash on my PS5? Because mine has crashed 7 times in roughly 14 hours of game time. (Yea I’ve played a lot, big whoop)

It's the game. My 60"4k TV has text RIGHT up against the edge. It's a formatting issue on their end. I've never once had the issue with any other games.

And now, in 2020, I’m even less of a fan, because these half-assed upgrades have robbed me of what little interest I could have mustered for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X among all that other stuff I mentioned up top.”

Michael Jordan is a “guy who makes shoes” to a teenager so maybe they should have given him some LeBrons. At least Run DMC works with the hip hop music angle in every Miles Morales appearance.

Knowing my luck with Amazon customer service these days, they would just tell you ‘tough shit’ and then end the chat session.

There’s really no point in including 1440p on a 4k tv that can show 4k/120z. Why would you want to dumb down resolution when a higher resolution can support the higher refresh rate?

My hot take: