How is Activision still laboring under the delusion that these micro transaction schemes still work?
How is Activision still laboring under the delusion that these micro transaction schemes still work?
is call of duty still persisting under the idea that players will be willing to give us money for new content AND to make themselves look like diamond and neon encrusted assholes?
Considering some can’t even be around cooking meat without passing out from the smell, it sounds like a miserable condition (and of course very dangerous). One scientist (who loves to hike in the woods) even developed it while researching it!
Thank you. This isn’t funny. People have been deceived into breaking ethical and/or religious convictions, and people have been exposed to harm from this. I don’t have the red meat allergy your friend does, but my stomach does not like it. The few times there has been undisclosed meat in food I ate I knew it,…
People abstain from meat for plenty of reasons—ethical, dietary, religious—and for many, this choice is a serious one.
It’s been my dream for a long time, and I worked for a year and a half for it
It also kinda makes me rethink throwing a few dollars at lootboxes before the current event ends...
I love brie Larson. I haven’t seen her as Captain America or whatever, but she was so good in United States of Tara.
You can’t deny the appeal of having all your games with you, being able to play on the highest settings possible, no matter where you go on any screen you have.
Yes, but you can’t carry that xbox around wherever you go if you travel a lot.
RIP those who get this but have data caps on their internet and don’t know it.
But I know he hit me because I was already turning. I was there, he was the one who hit me!
Might want to not wait that long. The retro gaming bubble is going to burst soon. Just sell it for what you can get now and throw it in a high yield savings account and just earn interest on it.
Redbox video game rentals are a crapshoot. If it’s a new AAA game it’s barely ever in-stock. If it’s even relatively obscure or not AAA it’s usually never even there in the first place.
Gamefly is a per-month thing. Sometimes you just want to rent a game on a whim. Can’t do that with Gamefly.
I feel like Frank Stallone and Batista are the same person.
After I get home from work, take care of the kids, and chill with the wife, it’s probably 1030 or 1100 at night.
Back in my 20s I’d call up my guy friends and just talk about shit for awhile. Now, outside of texts, the only close friend of the last 25 years I speak to with my mouth on a regular basis is the friend I play Battlefield with a few times a month.
But... this seems reasonable? Iconic or not it’s still their design, it’s still under copyright and it looks like they never asked for permission.
Who the heck even knows 15 people they want to talk to!