You Guessed it: Frank Stallone

I’ve backed one Kickstarter and it’ll be the only one I ever back:

is it really anymore ridiculous then me watching a team named after a small orange bird, throw a ball, hit it, catch it and run around bases?

the integrity of the Fortnite competitive community

Man. Fuck Deadspin for this shitty move.

There’s a contingent of Total War ‘fans’ for whom no Total War game released will ever be good enough, ever, because it doesn’t match this imagined ideal in their heads

Good for Google. There are numerous reasons why Android phones are far superior than iPhones and Apple and this is one of them.

I don’t think consoles player will be happy with the PC crossplay lol

unfold from the perspective an Arab soldier, a female rebel fighter named Farah from an unnamed country that might be Afghanistan.

So maybe call it MW Reboot, MW Strikes Again, MW Returns, I dunno.

Pretty sure this is less confusing than naming it COD: Modern Warfare 4.

Yeah, I’m really not excited about trying to compete with PC players as a console gamer.

There are nets there though. In the exact spot that kid was hit. The only way to fix this exact issue is to have nets to all the way up to the top of the stadium.

There are nets there in that spot.

There were nets there. It was fluke.

Not every article on Deadspin needs to have a witty comment section, Tom. 

Sounds like she’s betting on people getting in the door and then, once they get there, wanting a drink. But it’s backfiring. People are using it as a picnic table in a park and not a bar.

Could be he’s just an idiot who happens to have dementia as well. Double whammy!

Now I want it to be named ‘Modern W4rfare’.

Or Frank Costanza’s Serenity Prayer, Part II: “Serenity Now!”

are we sure there is lost revenue? if they put everything up for sale, the whales are not going anywhere.