You Guessed it: Frank Stallone

Hard to write a good article on a bill that seems like it was written by a college student who waited until the last minute to finish a project and just googled shit.

Did you read the bill? Because this bill is shit and in no way shows any knowledge on the subject matter by anyone who wrote it. It’s one of the laziest attempts at bill writing I’ve ever seen. Unless they go through this thing and have an actual industry expert help write it, it’s going to be dead before it even gets

This might be one of the laziest attempts to write a bill in the history of congress. And that’s saying a lot considering who runs this country.

Yea I’ve been saying since this was first reported on that this was just a lazy PR attempt by this guy to attract younger voters. Nothing will come of this and each gaming website has been duped by this guy more than once so far.

Here’s what he did. VanHooker had a hunch that the Pizza Tracker might be bullshit.

We used to do this back in the 80s.

It’s not a “misconception” to point out that this gaming effort, while noble, doesn’t do a ton to address the systemic issues with Amazon’s warehouses that undermine the goodwill this small change potentially makes, ie horrible managerial incentives, unrealistic worker quotas, underpayment, lack of general union

Has there ever been anything worse in the history of humanity than fucking quotas?

Amazon will immediately fire any of these warehouse workers that try and unionize and hire someone else who won’t. Warehouse workers have absolutely no leverage because there isn’t any skill involved in their jobs. Literally anyone from 16-70 can do that job without a high school education and with just a few hours

I love a good omelet but it’s easier to just microwave yesterday’s dinner leftovers.

Or if we go further away, living in a sea of corn fields would bankrupt me as I would just keep buying stuff to stave off boredom if I didnt just go mentally insane in the first place.

NYC is a fucking spectacular place to live. Why do you think people are willing to spend so much per square foot just to live there?

Well tough shit, they should’ve governed themselves and not let it get this far.

Don’t worry. Nothing will come of this. This is all for publicity for this guy and Kotaku fell for it.

Its a gamble plain and simple and these top streamers won, sucks for the hundreds if not thousands of other people who have sunk time, money, and effort into doing the same thing and didn’t get lucky.

I get you. But this starts becoming more a concern for parents who want to teach their kids lessons about being smart consumers. (Wishful thinking..I know..)

When gamers like Pokimane are in commercials with Post Malone, De’Aaron Fox and Gordon Hayward, you know gamers are no longer just fat guys in their moms basement like some people and cliches would lead you to assume. They’re huge marketing influences and companies are finally realizing it.

Why did Brienne and Ser Davos get votes?

So you’re saying people on the internet overreacted and called something unfair when it was a little too difficult at first? Then they blamed their tools and the creators instead of blaming their skills and procedures?

All these years of console players finally gaining a little respect in the gaming community and these turds blow it up in one afternoon.