Ok. If you think this is easy then do it yourself on console and prove it. Otherwise you’re just trolling.
Ok. If you think this is easy then do it yourself on console and prove it. Otherwise you’re just trolling.
I don't think you quite understand what this article is about.
What's 2007 like seeing as you're stuck there apparently.
Just know those PC players spent 3-4 times as much for their "rig" as you did for your console and stop worrying about it.
Not entirely boring. Some of the best combat I’ve seen since Doom 2016.
Rage 2 is essentially Mad Max, but with Doom FPS combat and less of a story than both.
Any new game is, by definition, not the “wrong” game to review.
Wait until it gets down to $20-30. It’s well worth it for most people at that price if you want a game you can fuck around with for 1-2 hours at a time and move on to something else.
If the combat isn’t enough for you to get into it, though, then the game definitely falls short.
I’m a lot more engaged with Rage 2 than I ever was with Doom 2016.
Comparing this to a FarCry game is probably off. It’s Doom in an Open World, with less of a story and more time between combat.
The combat in this game is not lazy. It’s some of the best FPS combat I’ve seen since Doom. I’m having a blast playing it.
He wants to make it clear to Cyberpunk 2077’s developers that even when the studio asks them to work on nights and weekends, it’s not “mandatory.”
this is the stupidest goddamn thing i’ve seen on this website, and I watched the entire video of Barry killing himself with scrambled eggs. fuck
So basically Epic pulled some shady and manipulative trickery and didn’t tell people ahead of time, and then when companies said, “Hold up! We didn’t agree to this!”, Epic tried to paint it as those companies being unreasonable?
Why is “Steam is a monopoly” the end-all argument for some people? Can you explain how Steam is a monopoly? Which monopolistic practices Steam partakes in? Heck, can you give me the definition of a monopoly?
Other developers would be free to make their games available elsewhere if they wanted to.
I can’t recall a time when Steam has discounted a product without permission of the developer/publisher.
Worked for me just now. Got an additional $18 off a $44 shoe. Make sure it’s all CAPS.
Worked for me just now. Got an additional $18 off a $44 shoe. Make sure it’s all CAPS.
Can I ask why you aren’t wrapping it in foil or putting it in a freezer bag if they’re not vacuum sealed?
Can I ask why you aren’t wrapping it in foil or putting it in a freezer bag if they’re not vacuum sealed?