You Guessed it: Frank Stallone

I love how people on the internet want things they can’t even see during the game, in a game that costs them absolutely nothing to play, to cost less.

Please name one popular BR game that hasn’t ripped assets from another game to make theirs.

The same argument could be made about going to work every day until you’re 70.

It’s not fun to live below your means but it is how you save money and grow it.

So to summarize on how to save money fast:

It doesn’t matter. The final scene of the series is RR Martin waking up and saying “What a strange dream, figured it would have had more nudity.”

Yeah, it is kind of weird how things shifted from ‘I don’t like this particular story’ to ‘They owe us to give us a story that satisfies our particular desires’.

I’ve  never played the original Rage and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. All you need to know is that there’s bad guys and you need to kill them. That’s literally the entire plot.

In the three hours I’ve played, I’ve driven in the desert, found an Ark, killed off the bandits guarding it, gotten a new ability, killed more bandits, and then gotten back in my ride. Rinse, repeat.

I have that SBG6900AC modem, have since Sept 2016,, and it works amazingly well with Cox internet. Zero issues with it and it works with at least 300 down speeds, which I just got upgraded to.

I have that SBG6900AC modem, have since Sept 2016,, and it works amazingly well with Cox internet. Zero issues with

Either the rule is “you can eat on trains” or “you can’t eat on trains.” A policy not to enforce the latter doesn’t change that the rule exists.

If you lose your wallet the last thing you’re going to be caring about is someone coming to your hotel and stealing your stuff.

Great match indeed. Sinatraa pretty much carried them to victory due to his massive clutch at the first point of BlizzardWorld when the rest of his team was dead.

I would be all over this game... if it were a game and not a two-parter. Because while the game may be out this summer or fall, who knows when the second half will drop. It might be better to wait for the combo-pack.

Wish we could have gotten some opinions from some black men in the article instead of a white guy named Paul and another white guy named Tim.

That quote by Trump pretty much means Trump has never heard of the guy.

It’s actually much more effective of a non-stick coating that anything I’ve used. I’m not sure if it’s from the aerosol or the added ingredients, but olive oil cooking spray nothing sticks to the pan, whereas regular olive oil does.

Pam is oil though. It’s just in spray form.

This guy sounds like a douche-nozzle, but I’m okay with this bill.