
This right here. If others are released, they must release Kraft’s as well. As another poster mentioned above, I have no interest in the video, only what withholding the video represents, which is special treatment for rich people. And, I’m sure I speak for 99% of the people here, but fuck that noise.

Oh maybe so, but I don’t think we’ve established if dragons can swim, have we?

The second sons have to be bored out of their minds no?

Viserion’s carcass was likely burned along with all the other corpses. If it wasn’t that would be ridiculously bad writing.

I also definitely expected him to show up to confirm Jon’s lineage, but my guess is that’s a book thing that we’ll never get to read

You’ve had 4 days. If you care that much, you’d have watched it already. Not only that, that really isn’t much of a spoiler in the headline or URL. Could’ve been much worse. 

Rhaegal took a 6ft bolt through the neck. He ded.

Exactly how I was taught “way back when”

Maybe, but god bands by definition don’t “rock”

I was dying for practically the whole episode. I don’t think HBO could’ve had a better coincidence than this episode airing after arguably the most anticipated episode of GoT ever. It certainly makes me want to go back and watch all of Barry. (I watched episode 1, and that’s I think I should really revisit

How fucking stoned were these parents exactly...?

Hey, they are technically correct, and that’s the best kind. 

I keep seeing this, but the whole switch hands with your weapon thing has been around for a lot longer than Star Wars.

I mean...don’t be a dick? There are people out there who get off on being assholes to others. What they don’t realize is that sometimes there are bigger, much more violent assholes out there. This guys knows for the future though! 

This episode was very dark, but on my TV I had no issues. I think a lot of folks complaining are watching on a garbage computer screen or garbage TV. This is what happens when you buy that $350 65" instead of $1500 55" folks. 

Agreed. I rather liked the idea that Jon was right, that nothing matters except the Night King and the army of the dead. I’m kinda bummed that he didn’t destroy Cersei and King’s Landing to show that ignoring that existential threat would be catastrophic. I was on the Night King as climate change hype train, and

But how can you be excited when you know his end is mostly pointless?  All the back story in the world can’t help this guy now that we know he goes out like a chump


This review is spot on how I feel as well. It was a good episode from the standpoint of a technically well done TV show, but from a story and plot perspective, I feel that it was a bit lacking. Was the sole purpose of the Night King and his army to just kill a few characters off?