I mean....sure, I guess. But, uh, 99.9999% of people think “abcde” is a really fucking stupid name, so at that point “subjective” is really just semantics.
I mean....sure, I guess. But, uh, 99.9999% of people think “abcde” is a really fucking stupid name, so at that point “subjective” is really just semantics.
And now we have cow truthers
Absolute oblate spheroid
Oh oh oh. Those are indeed white.
Jeans are a white thing? I’m so out of the loop
I have a punch card! 10 votes and Madigan will personally appeal my property taxes.
I’m literally NOT worrying about this, at all. I’m advocating for people to chill the fuck out and not get all bent out of shape over EITHER side of this argument, which really shouldn’t even be an argument, at least not yet.
There are no good answers in this conversation. Make Ashe black, and you get “Why do the black characters have to all be criminals?” make Ashe (ASH! Get it?) white and it’s “Where are the black women?”
I have zero pity available for you. I can’t stand resellers of all stripes, who literally live to skim money from regular folks by making themselves a middle man. Honestly you should be ashamed of yourself.
The Dark Knight and Captain America: Winter Soldier are my top two, and which I like better shifts daily. These two are so good, I’m not sure I care what goes in the #3 slot.
Link is really, really, wrong. Cowboy Cop?
Holy shit that’s a $10 word if I’ve ever seen one.
Everyone is “Dude” to me until I’ve known you for at least 3 months.
Still trying to figure out what I need to do to get on the Soros payroll
That Pokimane tweet at the end of the article is hilarious. “Here are some more shots without makeup to show how pretty I am. No one looks good 24/7, except me, aren’t I pretty?”
Speaking of natural facial hair...WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED TO EYEBROWS. I would love to just see some normal fucking eyebrows again. Super thin, super thick, none of them without some sort of cosmetic something or other...and they all look strange...what is going on?
For sure. And don’t doubt that ol’ Pootie Poot isn’t going to orchestrate something just after the midterms if the dems take control of congress. I can virtually guarantee we are going to see something Reichstag-esque in the next two years.
Matches his new shoes.
Man, I need to get on the Soros’ Paid Minion bandwagon. I’ve got bills to pay.
I’m sure this’ll be an unpopular opinion, but if you don’t vote to deal with climate change, I honestly don’t care when climate change decides to deal with you.