
I really think we need to change the terminology of white privilege. I agree it is something that exists. But the way it’s phrased isn’t doing it any favors. For example, as a straight, tall, relatively non-offense looking white male, I don’t “feel” like I’m getting benefits per se. I just feel regular old

I weep for the future when we need to elaborate on references like this.

You may be right! I don’t think this is something he’ll ever be able to live down or escape. But, I don’t think we should be boarding the internet outrage train over him trying? Should we?

too soon

Off-white in general is all about the deconstructed “I forgot to sew that” look.

Sorry, my reply wasn’t clear. I meant your assumption that it doesn’t seem like he’s doing anything to earn forgiveness was not unreasonable. I haven’t really seen or heard anything one way or the other, so you certainly aren’t wrong. He may still be a complete fucking asshole abuser who deserves nothing but a kick in

Those seem like fine answers, though number 7 is perhaps worded weird? I don’t know. It’s not like he made money BECAUSE he was assaulting women. The money didn’t come from hurting people. The hurting people came because he had money...? I don’t know the specifics. But I mean, he’s Louis C.K, the “fame” of who you are

now who’s ignoring context? I’m not talking about stopping a car, I’m talking about wronging someone, and the amount of time required for rehabilitation or forgiveness being set to infinity as perhaps unreasonable. Are some things unforgivable? Yes. Is what he did unforgivable? For the women he wronged, absolutely.

I mean, isn’t he entitled to do any job people will pay him for? No one is being forced to pay the guy. (Though the unannounced show isn’t cool, because some people really will want to boycott him, and they absolutely have the right to do so.)

This is slightly unreasonable no? You then I guess would say the same about anyone who has wronged anyone else? 

Not an unreasonable assumption. 

Not unreasonable


I..uh..I don’t know? Is there a time limit or date on rehabilitation? Making a living? I’m seriously asking. What’s the time frame here? I mean, I’m never going to give the guy a dime, but I can’t sit here and tell the guy he’s got no right to make a living, right?

Hmm, that’s not unreasonable to be sure. I’m also guessing he doesn’t want to be on the marquee and cause a scene as well. I think either way he’s kinda screwed there. Though, it’s not necessarily fair for him to perform for paying customers who don’t want their money to support him.

I’m sure this will be an extremely unpopular opinion, but uh, what else is he supposed to do? I’m not a Louis C.K. fan, I’ve never even watched any of his material to even make a judgment. I’ve just literally never cared about his act.

Right? This guy looks unhinged even winning a tourney.

Do you need to blow up some facility behind enemy lines under cover of darkness with 6 of your closest friends? Yes? You should listen to this guy.

Come to Arkansas! 42nd in education, 4th in high school football stadiums! 

Oh for fucks sake take a hike with this intellectually dishonest garbage.