They are kept under proverbial lock and key at the IRS, and the people employed there are typically ethical folks, despite our disdain for the agency itself.
They are kept under proverbial lock and key at the IRS, and the people employed there are typically ethical folks, despite our disdain for the agency itself.
Come on, haven’t you been dying to get your chimney sweeps’ license? I mean, I’m too tall and fat, so I’m planning on straight up ditch digging, but I hear Sweeping is good money!
I don’t know man, he’s gotta be at least a little happy if they let him play/rehab at his own pace to get to 100%. (If he can get to 100%)
No no. Just that favors beget favors. Just so happens Trump got to be President, and could finally dish out suitable favors, so everyone is coming to collect. They have so much on him, that he’s got no choice but to capitulate, lest his whole world come crumbling down. (Of course this could all be coincidence, but…
Maybe so! Either way there is a lawyer who’s willing to try I’m sure.
I suppose, and when I find out Ivanka had gelato 6 years ago with Vlad’s 2nd cousin’s daughter in Venice, that’ll be nifty and all, but really it’s just minutia.
Because this is when he needs it? You don’t ask for people to help you move apartments until you are actually moving, you know.
It’s not a stretch if you’ve ever met wealthy individuals and seen how they operate. The “you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours” is how the whole game works. These are typically some of the most unscrupulous individuals you are likely to ever meet. Why do you think folks like Gates and Buffett aren’t speaking up and…
Why read it? It’s going to contain heaps of information that we ALREADY KNOW. The people who can do anything about it are all in on it. The only hope we have is that white redneck racists come around and vote the republicans out of office. I’m not encouraged by our prospects.
Like is said above, duplex mismatch happens ALL THE TIME. Set both ports to 1000full and see what happens. Otherwise, like other posters have said, check the cable, and check your network drivers/card.
Your interpretation of the data is wrong you fucking imbecile. Read through the 16 other articles on the first two pages of search results. Even noted conservatives say this data isn’t complete and isn’t really an adequate representation of the real number of Self Defense Uses of guns.
Jealousy? Feelings of inadequacy? Something he heard in a pickup artists seminar?
Harassment. From what I understand, he’s made a habit of this too. Shouldn’t be too hard to prove.
This is not even remotely correct dumbass.
Thank you AC now I don’t need to type all this out and explain it to him. It references it alright, but extrapolates something in a completely intellectually dishonest way, and you fell for it, you rube.
Thanks AC, now I don’t need to type all this out and explain it to him. It references it alright, but extrapolates something in a completely intellectually dishonest way, and you fell for it, you rube.
If you are a journalist, at what point can you consider something like this an actual threat against your person, and get the police/courts involved? How fitting would it be to get this fucker here a restraining order to stay at least 500 feet from all journalists or risk arrest? No more drumpf rallies for you, Mr.…
cnsnews? lol go away you brainwashed troll.
So, wait...that guy pictured up there said that....about this woman? Is he blind as well as dumb? I hope she sues him into oblivion.