Like is said above, duplex mismatch happens ALL THE TIME. Set both ports to 1000full and see what happens. Otherwise, like other posters have said, check the cable, and check your network drivers/card.
Like is said above, duplex mismatch happens ALL THE TIME. Set both ports to 1000full and see what happens. Otherwise, like other posters have said, check the cable, and check your network drivers/card.
Your interpretation of the data is wrong you fucking imbecile. Read through the 16 other articles on the first two pages of search results. Even noted conservatives say this data isn’t complete and isn’t really an adequate representation of the real number of Self Defense Uses of guns.
Jealousy? Feelings of inadequacy? Something he heard in a pickup artists seminar?
Harassment. From what I understand, he’s made a habit of this too. Shouldn’t be too hard to prove.
This is not even remotely correct dumbass.
Thank you AC now I don’t need to type all this out and explain it to him. It references it alright, but extrapolates something in a completely intellectually dishonest way, and you fell for it, you rube.
Thanks AC, now I don’t need to type all this out and explain it to him. It references it alright, but extrapolates something in a completely intellectually dishonest way, and you fell for it, you rube.
If you are a journalist, at what point can you consider something like this an actual threat against your person, and get the police/courts involved? How fitting would it be to get this fucker here a restraining order to stay at least 500 feet from all journalists or risk arrest? No more drumpf rallies for you, Mr.…
cnsnews? lol go away you brainwashed troll.
So, wait...that guy pictured up there said that....about this woman? Is he blind as well as dumb? I hope she sues him into oblivion.
I think you are right. One of these days LeBron will give that “How could you be so fucking stupid???” look to one of his teammates, and they will literally die of embarrassment right then and there.
Nah, because it’s HARD to not give in to violence. Violence is, and this might sound ridiculous, the easy way. Look at children; they often hit others because they don’t understand what else to do because they don’t have the intelligence to grasp the finer points of reason. Same can be said for “grown men” who resort…
That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. I’m white and straight and I’ve been fucking furious since 2016.
accepting /giphy randomness is what makes it so awesome!
Slack is down, use this instead:
I take my coffee like my general disposition; bitter and cold
Is anyone really surprised he’s been shot before?