You Get Hoynes

Can you help me get out of the grays? I’m a Title IX Coordinator, and I’m trying to answer some questions here, but god forbid that after YEARS of me answering almost every single fucking post at Jezebel on campus sexual assault that, you know, I have the ability to not have my comments grayed alongside the MRA trolls.

“I’ll use a condom.”

It’s not low: 1 in 4/5 is for overall sexual assaults (which includes groping, etc, ANY nonconsensual sexual touch). UT’s overall sexual assault number is 1 in 3.

Major, major props to the University of Texas system: they used the most scientifically rigorous, comprehensive survey available (developed by leading sexual violence researchers). They were determined to get an accurate picture of what sexual violence looked like and used a survey that wouldn’t sweep anything under

I have a daily battle with the urge to cry over the news regarding Trump and Russia because I have lost faith. A Trump surrogate chairs the House intel committee. Paul Ryan has completely folded to Trump to get his political agenda served. There’s no leadership on that side of the aisle that makes me think that the

Whatever, I still live for the hot takes from the Ohio State Lantern: this just in—Michigan sucks.

Spirit Cooking with Russian Abortionists is the name of my band’s first album.

Calling my Congressional Representative to urge his support. Please do the same.

I call both here in my home but also where my parents live in another state, since it’s where I grew up and when I talk about using Planned Parenthood in college (because all of the doctors at my university health center were dudes and I wanted a lady doctor for my lady parts), I’m talking about a town and a clinic in

I’m calling my two Senators right now. They are right wing and ridiculous, but goddamn it, I am calling them anyway.

I’m a Title IX Coordinator. And I am on vodka tonic #3 tonight. Thanks, Betsy! Civil rights and livers are for losers.

I cannot face Trump’s America without knowing what animals look like celebrities, goddamn it.

A swear word, I have found, always wins me a few points. Thanks!

I hadn’t seen that! That’s great, thank you!

Can I crowdsource some gif ideas from y’all? I have saved SO many good gifs from the comment sections here, I thought I would turn to y’all to refresh my example bank.

As one of those crazy overtalkers...I nod in recognition. Don’t do what Donny Don’t does, kids.


Seriously my favorite moment in the movie. Favorite movie, fave moment. For 99% of people, Carrie was Princess Leia but for me, she was Marie.