
What about the droid attack on the wookies? It’s a system we cannot afford to lose, and yet you chose to write about this particular tragedy instead.

I know it’s not even worth responding to you, but Ariana Grande did not use a mass shooting to promote her career. After a TERRORIST ATTACK/BOMBING at one of her concerts, she subsequently helped raise $13 million for the victims. And then she basically disappeared from the public for the better part of a year.

“Ariana Grande’s Manchester Benefit Concert Raised $13 Million for Victims of the Attack”

oh yeah dude. huge oversight on my part not including a lengthy aside disavowing ariana grande in this post. I'll get right on that 

Could be worse:

Awww. Somebody needs a hug.

Let me tl:dr the article for you:

That black friend™ looks a bit skeptical.

This is an unfair characterization, Shirley Temple went on to become Black later in life. 

Can the batter do this if there is a man on first? Because at some point there will be a man on first that doesn’t run when this happens, and there will be a rundown between home and first. Can the runner make it back to home? And continue his at-bat?

Kelly is an objectively awful person, but expressing joy that he’ll get brutally raped in prison is pretty fucking sadistic. Sexual violence in prisons, and the enabling of it, hurts way more people than just those who you deem “deserving”. And in any case, perhaps we as a society should hope that no one is ever

The floodgates opened up after that.

Miles Teller barely has a face”  I’m dead. Call the mortician, its official. Best comment in a while!

None o these dudes look remotely like Elvis.  Miles Teller barely has a face so surely you don’t really think he looks like Elvis.

I appreciate the camerawoman shouting “in Jesus name” a bunch. It’s like the Little League Baseball appropriate version of WorldStar.

I coach and am on my town’s recreation committee that oversees all of our youth sports in town. The sad part is it needs to get this bad to get noticed.

I coach little league baseball and softball. Currently, there is a drastic umpire shortage in our area because this type of behavior has become the norm. It’s not worth the stress and risk of possibly being attacked for $60. These idiots think that a bad call in a little league game is going to cost their kid a

Ehh... IOC and FIFA Heads are clear 1 seeds.