
Yeah, she already was dragging the guy down the street and Bunny Tyson comes along throwing haymakers that came closer to hitting her than him.

I was laughing my ass off the entire time but when I saw that I officially lost my mind!

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppin’, an ass whoopin’s on its way

Here’s more of the Bunny partying pre-fight:

His bobbing and weaving + homie hug = my death.

Dramatic reenactment of the event:

HOP HOP HOP into that pussayyyyyyy

As if Tommen Baratheon hadn’t been an 11-year-old looking boy, and no one blinked at him fucking as king.

Honestly, I think she was trying really hard to hide her feelings. She really, really wants to be a knight, and she’s trying to hide it. Pod wasn’t giving her permission, he was letting her know that it’s okay to feel it, to be excited about it. He knew it was important to her and she could let her guard down for a

I’m anti them because Arya is a badass mothafucker and I just don’t buy that having sex would be a big priority for her character.

that a Man is more right to rule simply because of his gender

They’re foreshadowing plenty of characters I care about to get killed, but heaven help me, if they let the Night King get to Lyanna Mormont I don’t know if I can make it to the end.

“What do dragons eat, anyway?”

I’ve been saying it for years. You just can’t play baseball AND the-ground-is-lava at the same time.

Simple: Nat already knew about it. Or they look in Fury’s files. Find his report on the pager. Done. Like when they did the Vibranium thing in Ultron.

Also there’s half the people in the world, so it’s like....half the chaos. :(

Prison guards and the prison system are wholly responsible for ANY and ALL violence that occurs in the facilities they are running.

She followed up with: “Health care costs are too high that is true but comparing us to Finland is ridiculous. Ask them how their health care is. You won’t like the answer.”

when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty

Don’t you love it when assholes threaten to sue for defamation of “character”, completely unaware that the discovery process will prove they are even more of an asshole than everyone originally thought?

Don’t you hate it when you do a racism and then people are mean to you and you have to file a lawsuit due to the emotional stress brought on by the fallout of the racism you did? Sucks, man.