
Erlinda Ocampo Johnson is a helluva name

She doesn’t need to “flaunt” her sexual orientation for it to be used her against her. She deserved her fall from grace, but if you think her story wasn’t over amplified, in the media in general, but specifically on Fox News and Ben Shapiro like outlets BECAUSE she was an uber successful queer woman I don’t know what

Yeah, I always felt the blowback was slightly, emphasis on slightly, disproportionate to the offense and likely colored by her being queer and a woman. I just don’t see someone like a Stephen Colbert being brought down with such glee the way she was.

I know the show has deviated from the source material a bit, but if I remember correctly, there’s still a bit of information about how this all went down Armand has not told Louis yet.  

I am loving this season, what a great show. But there were plot points in this latest episode that didn’t make sense to me. First, if the theatre troop knows very well Lestat is alive what are they on trial for? I guess this will probably be explained in the finale?

“he also had a hand in the upcoming Now You See Methreequel”

Agree, but man he really should have rehearsed and workshopped the telling of that story a few times before going live with it

This show was one of the most harrowing and beautiful watching experiences I’ve had in a long time. Then the last 10 minutes of the final episode ruined it for me.

An immersive HEREDITARY experience makes sense???

Yeah, unless Kimmel and crew broke contract terms I don’t know what kind of relief he could get. Santos didn’t lose any money over this and it’s impossible for his reputation to sink any lower than it is. 

Did I miss something or is Liz lying to Pete about that Wheeler flashback? Cause he was very not dead when they arrived on the scene. 

I worked in homeless services before, and while gov should be held to account for building affordable housing, shelters, etc, the real problem is the public and specifically NIMBYs. Over and over I’ve seen gov try to build shelters and the “not in my neighborhood” backlash is swift. Lawsuits and retaliation at the

“the future should look like the future”

It’s not a stretch to me that when you cover and surround a person in reflective silver their skin will look lighter.

To this day Comet Ping Pong employees receive death threats because of PG, and can now expect a fresh batch of new and creative threats cause of this douche canoe.

He also deserves credit for pushing the insane pizzagate conspiracy to his 2M followers as recently as today. Some of us find his culture war antics more gross than his achievements impressive. 

I love these takes that if a person does an impressive thing once or twice they are suddenly immune from any future criticism despite current dumpster fire behavior. All us average Joe’s should shut up until we invent flying cars or something. F that

I know the UK RPDR contestants are required to be paid because BBC is publicly funded. My guess is it depends on whether they have to be on site for multiple days, and is considered more of a stipend than a fee.

I believe in the UK reality/game show participants are required to be paid an hourly rate.

You’re making a moral hindsight argument and not a legal one. You can’t sue someone for getting facts wrong that weren’t known facts at the time.