
Players are not developers’ clients.

So.... did the bear get off the boat or what? Don't leave me hanging here, need details. Was it wearing a little bear captain hat?

NPR seems to have just gone:”fuck it” at some point in the last six months, and don’t have any time for Trump’s nonsense anymore. They sort of present fact check as part of the news now, like they’ll say “President Trump said X today, which is false about Y, who never said what Trump said he other news, a

Exception, not the rule. Don’t be a pedantic twit. I want demonstrated ability and knowledge base over... some dude yelling on the internet.

Most computy science industry professionals lack formal training in computer science.  Even in the games industry.  The whole field is dominated by autodidacts

So, only people with formal training are allowed to join a professional discussion ?

The Gaming Community, in contrast, has NOT reviewed its own policy of asking 10+ year veterans the equivalent of “have you tried jiggling the handle” when offering their unsolicited amature hour opinions to industry veterans, and then pretending like their consumerism gives them the power and authority of demi-gods.

Heh, maybe you should change your name to Hateful Geek. A one-way street personified. Good day, sir.

Hardly losing an argument when your argument is crying because god forbid they do something else with the character instead of what you are comfortable with. Seriously get over it, it’s a different take on the character that you are not use to seeing.

Despite the fact that, 1. I do not like The last Jedi, 2. You’ve never let go of your animosity of Snyder and 3. you haven’t changed your mind or let in nuance into something that has, in my eye, a B+ superhero movie.

To translate that post: “I have a severe sense of superiority when it comes to film and would use it to bash Zack Snyder movies to my dying day and would revel in the destruction of anything he touches.”

Yes, it does.

So youre careless and everyone else is stupid. Got it.

If your job involves travel, and it’s your tenth rental in as many weeks it’s an easy mistake.

“This is not why people read or watch heroic fiction. A person who once dreamed and fought to change the world for the better does not, at the end of a day or week of just surviving, want to see a movie about someone who once dreamed and fought for changing the universe settle for just surviving.

Because people don’t want their heroes—-especially fictional ones—-to fail, period.

This is not why people read or watch heroic fiction.

surrendering your dreams and ideals to basically trying to surviving and not much more.

Luke being a super cynical old man makes perfect sense to me, so much so that I seriously don’t understand those who are upset that Luke isn’t the idealist of the original trilogy. Yes, he was super idealistic...when he was young, but age and experience and seeing what happened with his nephew have chipped away at him

Leaping Evil Jesus, man! I’m just trying to get through the work day and there are all these nightmarish bug images in my safe space.