
Hey—I actually hadn’t seen that until just now! Very interesting. This article was inspired by overhearing my boss getting frustrated with GameStop over the phone when he asked about their Switch pricing.

Yeah, that’s not what it’s doing. How does that even work? “Let’s make it harder to play as a black character, because white privilege is stupid and fake, and that’s how parody works, right?”

Not hate. They exposed the origin stories of Scientology and Mormonism and pointed out flaws in the stories. I don’t think that’s hate. In fact, on the Mormon episode, the Mormon kid commented on how he liked his religion despite the flaws because it gave him a pretty good life. One of the show’s main characters is

Keep telling yourself that.

Lol, sure they are.

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.

South Park is getting in on the real life simulator here.

Cue alt-right meltdown

$5 says there still a full-operational Starbucks out there in the game.

You all are a bunch of jerks for publishing this story, this poor kid is trying to do something about his looks after suffering from a serious and scarring illness.

Correct. Dadtaku stories are written for parents to say “oh man yes this is bad i understand this”, not for teenagers to give unsolicited parenting advice.


the game already came out, and it did really well actually.

I only ever pirated one game and it was Dragon Age Origins. I think I was 16 at the time and never played a game like it before but heard from so many kids at school that it was amazing, but my computer was garbage and I wasn’t sure if I could actually run it despite meeting the minimum specs since my setup was very

I couldn’t care less about mods. I really enjoyed the actual game, Skyrim. I’ll beat it again and move on to another game.

I’ll be the first to admit that I have zero knowledge about how mods work, because I’ve never been a PC gamer, and I can sort of understand the disappointment of many people here because I can imagine how these restrictions will, uh, restrict the flexibility of mods on the PS4 versions of these games, as well as

Bethesda could just take some popular mods and, with the creators permission, release them as free dlc

Love when people desperately try to defend Sniper Quiet’s design. It’s blatant sexual objectification, people - especially when she’s featured rolling around in the rain and taking a shower. Why people think a hack like Kojima can get away with such garbage is beyond me.

what is wrong with you