
I find you dismissiveness disturbing.

Yeah, how could she not see how “she never said no” sounds? So many rapists say that about victims who quietly cried or tried to squeeze their legs shut. Ugh.

The entire statement is rife with bullshit language. “the story told by Timothy” = meant to imply fiction. They both have “demons” = meant to discredit. What we “chose” to do together = meant to imply consent.

If only Selena Gomez had turned down this role, that sexual abuse that happened 25 years before she was born would have never happened.


I haven’t seen anyone say his behavior is the exact same as the other’s you mentioned. Can we burn that strawman down?

55 year old men who do that are not neophytes. That pose spoke to his worldview, and you bet your ass it was a power trip. That photo was meant to humiliate her. Did you not read the original article and her account?

“I do think that almost all of the time you should believe the victim and that very few woman lie about sexual assault.

Let’s say I earnestly question what I know and believe of the people I love and come to the conclusion they couldn’t have done it. I am still a bad feminist because I publicly support my brother? Because I have seen that jackass from the moment he was born and the worst thing he does is act like a big baby when he

Is that Lena specific since she is a public figure or is that applicable to all women.

So I genuinely have a question about believing the victims. I believe the actress who came forth and all the ones who came before her to share their stories.

I never understood why anyone would want to watch other people play video games. I just don’t get it. Whoosh.

I believe that the same article (or another similar one) spoke of (to me) a far more worrying development. Men following the “Mike Pence rule”: Never be alone with a woman; and do not attend gatherings with women where alcohol is served — either without one’s spouse (or at all).

He admitted to it on Howard stern.

So much for Jez supporting the victims.

Now playing

Howard Stern would like a word with you, George.

Fuck, just believe victims when they speak out

This headline sucks, you guys.