So can Jez get some LGBTQIA writers that aren’t white and male?
So can Jez get some LGBTQIA writers that aren’t white and male?
Seriously? You are living in the best time in history to be LBGTQ. In one of the best countries to be LBGTQ. And you have score some major victories lately. WTF/ Stop your complaining and relax a bit.
Wow, this is a serious reach guys.
These people are either paid to do this or who knows. This website is such a joke.
Hmm... (looks at skin color.)
Yes, lets’ all attack Bernie Sanders for being whats wrong with this country. While were at it, let’s also cut off our own noses to spite our faces...
You can be both an ordinary American and a minority. They aren’t mutually exclusive, and I didn’t take his statement that way, either.
“mistreating the story”...? What does that mean, and what does it have to do with this article or what we were discussing?
Because no one would ever dare proclaim that a black person is prohibited from telling ANY story solely based on their race. Which is great, because that would be racist. Saying that a person is prohibited from telling any story based solely on their sexuality is equally disgusting. These “identity politics” (simply…
But in the US, when are non-white people told they can’t tell other people’s stories?
My mentor used to say there are three sides to every story - his, hers and the truth - and I’d wager that Lopez’s account hews closer to the truth than the other two parties involved
It’s certainly true that being white and cis would give France significant advantages for getting funding, etc, but the fact that his prior work in the LGBT documentary space got an Oscar nomination would probably be by far his most significant advantage.
Why do people throw around “cisgendered white male” like an insult so much now? Before “check your privilege” was the the middle finger you’d see and hear thrown around but I hear this more often when people get frustrated in a conversation online or in person and want to end it abruptly.
Great reporting, if completely cluster-fuck-y, insider-y and, distracting.
There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s covfefe.
this was wholly improvised. what you saw was pure raw genius on display.
It’s freestyle (search fliptop). It’s extemporaneous.
Eh, I’ll take this. Sets an example to follow, and from his body language from start to finish, he would just super-love to for-real slice Trump with a sword after that. Words ain’t enough.
I see your point, but then, Marshall’s learned his lesson, and at this point in his life has atoned for his past sins. Part of penance is rebuking evil, and I mean, look, he’s the Rap God*, he can smite a half-breed neo-Nazi in one supersonic riff and he’d still have F-bombs to spare.
My favorite part was about draining the swamp cuz he’s in quicksand. Eminem is a great freestyle rapper. He should make a movie about his mad skills. I know it’s an unpopular opinion as a feminist, but I gotta give him props because I do think he’s quite talented even though some of his lyrics are terribly offensive.