
Art Vandalayism

I will never understand why Android is “second fiddle” to iOS in terms of big game developers. Every gamer I know shuns Apple products religiously (and a little ridiculously). Hell, I feel like most tech-savvy people do. I feel like the bulk of Apple users don’t even know what Fallout is (the game OR the concept).

To be fair, since this was an issue with iOS 6, I’d say Apple has had more than two days to develop a fix.

I have a better fix:

To further clarify what mattshuu said, the bug isn’t in messages, and the phone isn’t actually rebooting - Springboard, the UI you use to work with the phone, is relaunching because it crashed.

Well, not quite a job for Ohm’s law, as electronvolts are dealing with actual energy spent or gained by an electron over the difference of a volt, so the closest we get is watt seconds. The source article specifies that these 511 kiloelectronvolt spikes lasted about a fifth of a second, which gives us 2555000

Apparently he can only grow his finger nails at-will.

Kirkman was probably just pissed that “Escape from LA” had already been taken.

Actually it's the opposite. It's like going into an overpriced restaurant, buying a dish, then walking over to a smarmy and self-indulgent patron (one who is obsessed with the overpriced restaurant) and throwing the food on the floor. It's a big "fuck you" to the obsessive sheep whose life revolves around the next

We're getting closer every day!

The Unreal Tournament GOYE stole so many hours of my life. I hope this captures the frantic fun of the original.


now envisioning: deep, hellish mines, koreans young and old, chained to 486es and being whipped into installing AOL demo discs, all towards their twisted leader's goal:


Ho. Lee. Shit. Yeah, an Oculus Rift, a really obscene graphics card, and don't forget an IV hydration and nutrition rig; gonna be in the game a long, long time.

Instead of headphone jacks, induction based connections.

Watch out dinosaurs. You can't defeat Burt Macklin!

lol "the Dunwich Ore Company"

This is cannabis not crack

I can't speak with anything approaching certainty, but I would guess that they inflated the budget and bought a lot of extra stuff that they could write off as business expenses. And if the show goes under, then even that loss can be written against their taxes. Just google Hollywood accounting.

They should have had several communities all of different political or social beliefs and they'd be competing to be the first to reach various checkpoints of civilization.

Religious-Right-Theocrats vs. The Randians vs. The Socialists vs. The Marxists in a four-way battle for Reality TV Ideological Supremacy.
