
I’m a man, and I don’t think I’ve ever experienced these sorts of behaviors from women, nor has any woman I know told me she routinely engages in these sorts of behaviors. Maybe the women I know just missed the meeting where they all agreed to do this shit?

John Prine.

I want to thank everybody that sent me name suggestions for my new puppy last Saturday - that was a fun thread! And there were some great ideas as well. I want snacksnacksnacks to know that the name Ruth Bay-er Ginsburg, or Ruthie for short, was at the top of the suggestion list for my beagle mix... but I happened

Last week (July 5-11) was probably the roughest damn week of my life. I knew it’d be tough, as I was working and preparing to perform in Shakespeare in the Park this weekend...

No The Dead Don’t Die?

Thanks for the Wellington Paranormal shout out. Great companion piece to both versions of WWDITS. It’s like Reno911! meets the more comical X-Files episodes.

Thank you! And snacksnacksnacks already suggested Ruth Bayer Ginsburg, Ruthie for short, and I love that idea for a beagle! It’s on the final list for sure.

My son’s tonsillectomy on Thursday went well. Thanks for all the good luck last week everyone! He's healing nicely. ❤

Hey SNS people, I am once again in need of your sage advice! We just adopted this little peanut from an out-of-state shelter and she’ll be here early next week, but we’re having a tough time finding the perfect name so I am looking for suggestions. She is a beagle/Jack Russell mix puppy, so basically a busy nose with

“Why did the car stop?”

Shelter Cat Update!

Oklahoma does not, in fact, have a set of keys to the state. It’s a tangle of old ropes tied together with granny knots. Just make sure you re-attach the bungee cord and put the lawn chair in front of the gate, otherwise the Cleevus’s dogs will get in and shit on the lawn.

The IRS–wait, let me sure I’ve got this—purposefully sent stimulus checks to more than 1 million dead people?

Trump’s going to win in November.

Gen Xer here and I will vote for a damn potted plant if it means Dump and his grifter cabal get booted out and into prison. I’m used to being the forgotten generation but I still will raise my voice.

Shelter Catstravaganza!

Not my first, but a good story. Several years ago. Portland, OR. A very rainy January Sunday counter-protesting at the Oregon Right To Life rally.

I’ll jump straight to the weird part: The mounted police had shaved “USA” into the butts of their horses. This was in Albuquerque, just before W’s Iraq war, and we were mainly marching along Central Avenue. The horse cops were generally nice and open to small talk, but for some reason they felt the appropriate way to

I’d add this: I have def had well-meaning White people essentially corner me and ask wtf to do to help out. I don’t mind guiding people through it, but on my own terms. Like, I choose when we will talk about this, is the first step.