
Let’s lump all conservatives together because you’re a fucking retard and can’t avoid a blanket statement.

All I hear is whining about ppl criticizing your for your comments. You don’t like ppl responding? Don’t post. What a cry baby . Whaaaa. Lol

But all I hear is more useless comment from you who don’t even live in Silicon Valley you twat.

Really. Who cares whether you like miata or not anyway. WTF.

Good to see the Italian FCA fanboy/apologist is out today blindly defending his company, just like every other day.

You’re being logical here, what’s wrong with you?

You bought an Audi to replace a Subaru and says that subby had bad reliability? Let us know how dead reliable that Audi is /s

Easy to point fingers when you aren’t there. And you must have telepathic stability to know if that truck is carrying dangerous cargo or not /s

Lol about thinking volvo is much more reliable. Then it is you who thinks he is Mr. Know-it-all.....

So you going to the notion of russels teapot. Too lazy to prove something doesn’t exist eh. You can’t prove it exist it not. Ergo you have accomplished just as little as the religious zealots have. So what good are you for again?

No people can stay not being twats and attack others belief, or take what get dish out and not revert to grade school kids when their feeling get hurt too.

But then you get made fun of and then it’s well that all you religious lot do. Then the whining starts because you can’t take what you dish out. Now that would be fun to watch wouldn’t it.

Cause your too poor. Ffs stop whining.

Right except you can’t afford cars that cost 30k+ so why whine.

Sucked big dicks. Only a juvenile or an adult with the mental age of one would comment like that. Go talk like that to your boss and see how quickly you get fired. And bonus points for personal attack because that’s how pathetic your feeble little blanks space for brains can squeeze put.

Why don’t you show us how its done next time with a body cam, since you say its so easy. Or bring this up with your boss. Oh, can’t do it because your boss would think you’re a fucking tool. Lol

Because you just had to whine about something.

Whaaaa. Want your pacifier? Lol so whiney.

I believe you are a moron. Now whether that is really the case we will never know...ah who are we kidding here you ARE a moron. Hahahaha

Waa waa Waa. Must resort to cursing right off the bat. Yeah I do the same in other posts too but that’s because it’s fun to troll. You just don’t seem like the type that has the vocab to attack him otherwise. Poor you. What a tool. Hahahhaa.