Sally Fields was Tom Hanks’ wife in Mrs. Doubtfire, and his mother in Forrest Gump a year later.
Sally Fields was Tom Hanks’ wife in Mrs. Doubtfire, and his mother in Forrest Gump a year later.
Seems like a good enough time as any to post those rage inducing Vulture graphs charting the ages of Hollywood’s leading actors vs the actresses playing their love interests (with only Tom Hanks consistently defying the ‘decades younger actress’ rule).
Astonishment, sadness, anger, and laughter - all in quick succession? Sounds to me like Ms. Gyllenhaal is experiencing the rapid mood swings commonly associated with dementia
She didn’t even get a Last Fuckable Day party.
This article talks about the phenomenon in Hollywood where men age and women don’t pretty effectively, with charts!
One of the nuggets is naked on the floor next to bones. What is happening?
It's like Maddona tries and Cher just is.
Calling other people jealous bitches sure doesn’t make her seem as fun as she thinks she is.
Even if she was barely 18 at the time the baby was conceived, given the fact that he is 57, was her boss, and has a predilection for child porn makes everything extremely icky.
how are you going to pee in this damn thing?
A someone who was single far longer than her peers....that shit is shameful. I loathed every bouquet toss I ever had to endure. There is no way I would ever put my friends or family in the same position. It amazes me how many people plan weddings without even questioning these so called “traditions.”
Instead of tossing the bouquet, I handed it to my good friend who was getting married a few months after me, and had everyone toast her and her fiancé. She took the ribbon and little jewel pins from my bouquet and had them incorporated into her bouquet, then did the same thing I did, handed her bouquet off to her…
My friends did a cat toss instead—they threw a stuffed cat into the whole assembled crowd and the person to catch it was supposed to be the next person to get a cat.
Clinton has also expressed general concern about the cost of higher education; an aide of hers generated minor excitement earlier this month when he mentioned “debt-free college” in an interview
Much like his presidential campaign, it’s not going to go anywhere, and, much like his campaign, it’s going to prod Hillary Clinton to make affordable higher education a bigger part of her own platform.
adding he’s not one of those people who “talk about their cats” on social media.
No one fights more than Bernie. I mean, he gives zeros shits about saying something that might be unpopular if he believes it.
Y'know, there's something to be said for people that act as thorns in the side of those who are much more powerful than them. God Bless Bernie Sanders and all the other mid-level political malcontents of the world.