
So the bizarre behavior she exhibited was a few annoying Facebook posts? There has to be more to it than that right?

Must have more than just that to charge her surely?

“I have a dream to go to Harvard Business School and one of these days I will do that... in my spare time”

Little Blake Lively down the block might be going to Harvard!

the Times describes him as a “champion of horology”

This picture is giving me a video game-y vibe. More specifically, Grand Theft Auto: Douche City

I don’t know. Did you make sure that one person had a hammer and the other had a pencil behind their ear? Whose fault is it really if you don’t follow all of their instructions properly?

Wasn’t this an episode of 30 Rock?

What the fuck is wrong with you?



Wut. What on earth is the question whose answer is “urinate hard (quickly) through your underwear”?

Whoa! This wax statue at Madame Tussaud’s is so lifelike I almost thought it was the real thing. Amazing work.

Kim Kardashian is a gift that never stops giving. Never since Jesus on the cross have we seen someone give so much.

Can’t you just join instagram and see all the KK selfies you want for free?

This was infinitely more satisfying than the post video.

That Sox-Orioles game was weird as hell. You forget that, oh right, there’s CONSTANTLY ambient noise during a baseball game, and without it you’re kind of lost.

Fucking Penn Badgley. We get it. You took a creative writing course that one time.

Is it because it looks like an upside-down uterus?